

Consultant – Resilience and Climate-related Budget Analysis

Consultant – Resilience and Climate-related Budget Analysis

Type of offer:

Public Finance Management is throughout the Pacific a topic of importance for international and local partners equally. Numerous stakeholders, institutions and international actors have been engaged in reinforcing the frameworks, tools and actors linked to PFM. Parliament and supreme audit institution function in public financial management across the Pacific Islands region have been identify as an area requiring strengthening. A specific focus of UNDP in this regard is the parliament’s role in budget scrutiny; effective external audit of government budget execution by the supreme audit institutions, inclusion of citizens and civil society in budget processes, thorough and transparent parliamentary oversight of the external audit, and follow-up with government on recommendations. This consultancy focuses on facilitating CSOs, citizens and Parliaments engagement on PFM cycles.

Strengthening of public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project (hereafter PFM) aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region, though improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. Strengthening of Public Finance Management project is funded by the European Union (EU) and Implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

All Pacific Islands States have announced fiscal and/or economic measures to cope with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pacific Islands States economies are too often threatened by natural disaster and well versed in climate change related risks. The economic responses linked to the pandemic crisis are however an opportunity to build more resilient economies through tailored Public Finance Management tools.


For this reason it is more important than ever that Parliaments are supported to analyse and debate the climate-related measures included in the budget. This exercise will complete the traditional Floating Budget Office exercise which provides budget analysis support to Parliamentarians. The Floating Budget Office is currently taking place online. The consultancy will provide  resilience and climate-related budget analysis, produce briefs for the Parliament and participate in subsequent dissemination of information events for Parliaments and CSOs.

Type: Consultancy
Location: Homebased
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: July 7, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=92368