

Consultancy – to produce a Global Land Outlook regional thematic report on Southern Africa

Consultancy – to produce a Global Land Outlook regional thematic report on Southern Africa

Type of offer:
Under the overall supervision of the External Relations, Policy and Advocacy (ERPA) Unit Chief of the UNCCD, and the direct supervision of an assigned Officer, the consultant will research, write, and produce a 75 page (maximum) regional report on Southern Africa, given the priorities listed above, with infographics, figures, tables, maps, and other graphical elements. Specifically, the consultant will perform the following activities:
  •  Conduct a review and analysis of relevant global, regional, and national documents contributing to the understanding of the land-water-energy nexus in Southern Africa
  • Consolidate key priorities, opportunities and challenges identified in decisions by the SADC related to the implementation of the UNCCD in the region
  •  Present the status and drivers of landscape transformation and ecosystem restoration in Southern Africa with a focus on land, water, and energy
  • Identify opportunities and gaps in institutional capacities, policy frameworks required to implement the land-water-energy nexus in the SADC region
  • Identify key opportunities to develop and mobilize resources for a large-scale regional initiative contributing towards DLDD.
  • Identify a relevant and representative set of experts, governmental, non-governmental, private sector, civil society, and international organizations that carry out land management and
  • restoration activities in the region
  •  Where realistic and given the availability of relevant data, provide quantitative and qualitative analysis disaggregated by sub-regions.
  • Compile a broad range of case studies, initiatives and good practices to illustrate the content of the report
  • Source unique and relevant high-resolution photographs and develop at least 5 unique infographics (ready for the design team) to be included in the publication
  • Prepare a first draft of the report to be presented for informal stakeholder consultation to collect observations, comments, and suggestions to strengthen the document
  • Prepare the final draft of the report while ensuring stylistic editing of the entire text to clarify meaning, ensure coherence and flow
Type: Consultancy
Location: TBD
Organization: UNCCD
Deadline: July 21, 2021
External website link: https://www.unjobnet.org/jobs/detail/28552142