

Climate Advocacy Intern / Campus Leader

Climate Advocacy Intern / Campus Leader

Type of offer:
Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL)’s mission is to create the political will for a sustainable climate and to empower individuals to have breakthroughs in exercising their personal and political power.  CCL is a national nonpartisan, nonprofit organization with educational programs and lobbying activities (designations of 501c3 and 501c4). To solve the climate crisis our methods include education on the science, economics, politics, and public awareness surrounding climate change. CCL works by training citizens in the skills needed to affect change. We meet with Congressional leaders, write letters to the editors of national and local newspapers and attend monthly national conference calls. Most importantly we are action-oriented. Our goal is to match what scientists tell us with practical solutions that can be enacted legislatively.



The overall goal is to start a CCL chapter or climate campaign after a semester of training. 

First semester/summer

  • Participate in the Climate Advocacy Certificate Program, a 15 week (2 hours a week) training. 
  • Write and publish a letter to the editor on climate change. 
  • Take advocacy actions via social media. 
  • Join a lobby meeting with members of Congress. 
  • Conduct preliminary research on starting a climate organization on campus. 
  • Complete administrative steps to start a student climate organization. 
  • Have a semi-weekly call with a regional fellow. 
  • Attend all higher education action team monthly calls. 
  • Attend monthly meetings with local chapter or the online national call. 

Second and third semester 

  • Start a CCL chapter or climate campaign on campus. 
  • Organize one outreach event such as a presentation, film showing, or tabling.
  • Organize at least one advocacy action such as a lobby meeting, letter writing campaign, endorsement, traditional media, or social media campaign. 
  • Recruit members to the group. 
  • Hold regular meetings as a group. 
  • Have support calls with regional fellow, other campus leaders, and CCL local chapter leader. 
  • Attend monthly meetings with local chapter or the online national call. 
  • Attend all higher education action team monthly calls. 
Type: Internship
Location: College and university campuses throughout the United States
Organization: CCL
Deadline: November 30, 2021
External website link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13z0sAlwlyON6pOs9d32ilRYG_jbDOFKA2o2PKKLp-1w/edit