

Climate Advocacy Fellow

Climate Advocacy Fellow

Type of offer:

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization focused on national policies to address climate change. Our organization is volunteer based and organized by congressional districts.  CCL staff train and support volunteers to build relationships with elected officials and the media to empower their own local communities, generate the political will for fair, effective climate solutions in line with science and political viability.  CCL prides itself in its unique approach to educating elected officials on climate action, particularly bipartisan action.  We aim to build upon shared values rather than partisan divides and empowering our supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities. This is how we work towards the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions. For more information about Citizens’ Climate Lobby, visit our website at www.citizens climate lobby.org






  • Write and submit Letters to the editor to local publications.
  • Attend lobby meetings with members of Congress.
  • Prepare materials for lobby meetings. 
  • Engage on social media with members of Congress.  

Outreach and Organizing 

  • Hold educational and outreach events on campus. 
  • Recruit students to CCL events. 
  • Organize advocacy activities such as lobbying, calling, and letter writing. 
  • Organize a student group and host regular meetings with climate advocates at their school. 
  • Research college and university contacts.
  • Conduct outreach to higher education institutions about climate opportunities. 
  • Interview students who are interested in climate leadership positions. 
  • Support and meet with students from other schools to work on climate advocacy. 
  • Attend fellow semi-weekly calls. 
  • Create outreach materials. 
  • Manage social media accounts. 

Regional Conference 

  • Assist with programming and speaker arrangements. 
  • Create promotional materials. 
  • Recruit students to attend the conference. 
  • Preparing resource materials before and share during the Conference.
  • Welcoming attendees and answering questions.
  • Attend breakout sessions as a co-host, which includes being the point of contact between the speaker(s) and the Conference Team, making materials available, helping with the Question & Answer period, and recording the number of attendees in each session. 
Type: Internship
Location: Remote
Organization: CCL
Deadline: November 30, 2021
External website link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-D6PIbIktLQG7k8_fXBxPxyEdHa08IM9Ws_6sTjWDYU/edit#