



Type of offer:

In line with the UN Youth Strategy, UNESCO engages with young people in all its fields of competence as change-makers and solution drivers. By addressing the challenges and conditions that inhibit youth’s wellbeing and ensuring their inclusion and meaningful engagement in societies, the Youth Program focuses on knowledge creation with and by young people to foster in-depth knowledge on youth, their inclusion in the multi-stakeholder design of national policies that affect them, supporting youth led solutions in addressing societal challenges, and capacity building. The Youth Section co-operates with some 100 youth focal points in all Programme sectors and field offices and gathers youth from all over the world in various spaces, including the UNESCO Youth Forum at the General Conference, and through online platforms, such as the Global Youth Community, the Youth UNESCO Climate Action network and the Youth of UNESCO Facebook group.

The Chief of Youth Section possesses extensive experiences with youth agendas or similar sectors, and a clear understanding of the challenges youth are confronted with. He/she has strong academic credentials and analytical skills to advance comprehensive policies and programmes to support youth development. He/she will manage to capitalize on the extensive work done by UNESCO on youth engagement and take it forward to advance youth-led solutions to the current challenges we face. He/she will mobilize partnerships and financial support for the UNESCO’s Youth Programme. He/she has strong analytical skills, and strong knowledge of development issues, and the value of youth. He/she is also knowledgeable of multilateral settings and mechanisms.

Under the overall authority and close supervision of the Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences Sector (ADG/SHS), and reporting to the Director for Programme Policies (DIR/PPD) on programme management issues and to the Director for Partnerships and Outreach (DIR/POD) on partnerships and outreach, the incumbent will lead the design, coordination, execution and evaluation of the programme and projects for the Youth Section.

In particular, the incumbent will:
Long Description
1. Vision:
Provide intellectual leadership and strategic guidance to Section in order to develop, drive and ensure the delivery of a solid agenda on youth, positioning UNESCO at the forefront in the world of youth, and increasing its visibility and impact.
Contribute to positioning youth as the foremost UNESCO activity in line with education and culture. Partner with institutions and relevant actors in the field for this purpose.
Develop the analytical basis to promote youth, and the understanding of youth as a lever for development. Oversee research and advance evidence base analysis.
Develop flagship projects with international impact and develop high quality networks.
Ensure a comprehensive implementation of the Approved Programme and Projects and deliver timely results. Manage work program effectively fashion, and drive excellent coordination with field offices.
Define priorities and agendas for the staff and Section and locate and pursue resources.
Demonstrate a strong capacity for timely delivery of the youth outputs.
2. Programme Design and Management:
Direct the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of work plans and regular and extra budgetary initiatives and activities, ensuring the continuous optimization of resources.
Transform work plans into programmes and projects. Determine budget proposal items, translating into Section objectives and aligning with overall Sector priorities.
Ensure visibility of the Section’s outputs. Oversee and manage section events and the publication and dissemination of flagship publications, and other materials such as guidelines and other policy and capacity development materials, documents and other technical products and information. Advance a better understanding of youth contribution to development.
Evaluate and report on their effectiveness and impact.

3. Knowledge and Expertise Exchange:
Facilitate dialogue across expertise and throughout networks and on-line platforms, discussing emerging trends, application of best practices and exchanging ideas.
Manage quality of contributions to subject specific knowledge bases, direct research and further share analysis ensuring thorough dissemination.
Long Description

4. Representation and Policy Advice:
Develop high impact networks and connect UNESCO with major youth events and actors, including stakeholders, including from the private sector. Create synergies and develop partnerships.
Represent the Section, programmes, the sector and if called upon, UNESCO, to internal and external networks, such as universities, agencies, organizations and in ministries.
Establish and pursue alliances on cross –organizational and –sectional issues and develop working frameworks and systemic approaches to increase capacity.
Influence and contribute the development of concept notes, contribute to policy positions, formulation and implementation.

5. Resource Mobilization:
Seek and explore resource mobilization opportunities for extrabudgetary resources for relevant programmatic and thematic areas including engaging potential donors with projects plans which could attract support.
Supervise the entire funding process, including developing and writing proposals, validating progress reports and ensuring the timely implementation and completion of project/programme activities.

6. Administrative Management and Staff Development:
Supervise and motivate his/her section personnel.
Monitor progress and development provide regular feedback and follow-up in line with the performance management cycle.
Effectively manage the budget with strong accountability and reporting.

Type: Consultancy
Location: Paris
Organization: UNESCO
Deadline: January 23, 2021
External website link: https://careers.unesco.org/job/Paris-Chief-of-Youth-Section-%28Social-and-Human-Sciences%29/521223302/