



Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education and the direct supervision of the Director UNESCO Bangkok, the incumbent will lead the Section for Inclusive Quality Education (IQE). He/she will design and coordinate UNESCO Bangkok’s programmes in the areas of sector-wide education policies and planning, including the regional coordination of the Education 2030 agenda, as well as issues of equity, quality and relevance of education and learning, with particular focus on basic education level (from early childhood through the secondary level), safe and inclusive learning environments, and gender equality. The incumbent will support and advise Field Offices in the aforementioned areas and mobilize extra-budgetary resources and partnerships. We are looking for a seasoned education expert with a solid knowledge of diverse education issues and proven management skills to support the acceleration of progress towards SDG4 in the Asia Pacific Region.

Long Description
Specifically, key areas of work include:

1. Vision:

Provide intellectual, strategic and operational leadership for the Section for Inclusive Quality Education
Lead the regional coordination of the implementation of the Education 2030 agenda as follow up to the World Education Forum (Incheon, 2015) in close collaboration with Member States, co-convenor agencies of the World Education Forum, other international development partners and UNESCO Field Offices;
Coordinate and further strengthen programme activities related to promoting basic education for all in Asia and the Pacific;
Design and implement policy research and capacity development programmes in education sector-wide policy formulation and implementation with focus on the equity and quality of education;
Provide policy advice and technical support to Member States and Field Offices in the areas for which the Section is responsible.
2. Programme Design and Management:

Direct the conceptualization, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of work plans, and regular/extra budgetary initiatives and activities, ensuring efficiency of resources;
Organize regional programme activities related to policy dialogue, knowledge-creation and sharing on education sector management with a particular focus on equity, quality and relevance in education and learning, in order to strengthen the region’s knowledge base and UNESCO’s clearinghouse function, in collaboration with UNESCO Headquarters, Field Offices and Institutes/Centres;
Generate and manage extra-budgetary projects in line with UNESCO Bangkok’s regional education support strategy and country education policy priorities, by preparing project proposals and cooperation frameworks with Member States, donor agencies and other partners and by engaging in fundraising activities.
Long Description
3. Representation, Policy Advice, Knowledge and Expertise Exchange:

Represent at the Senior level the Education Field programmes and unit (as relevant) to internal and external networks, such as universities, agencies, development partners and funders, organizations, National Commissions, and ministries;
Execute any relevant activities as assigned to him/her by Director UNESCO Bangkok and represent UNESCO at international, regional or national events as well as UN and IDP coordination mechanisms, including the United Nations Country Teams for Lao PDR and/or Thailand, and the Regional UN Development System Coordination for Asia and the Pacific.
4. Resource Mobilization:

Lead resource mobilization and develop alternative funding mechanisms for the region and individual countries by developing concepts and project proposals in accordance with the C/5.
5. Administrative Management and Staff Development:

Supervise and motivate Education team members and other assigned staff or service providers in the IQE Section.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Bangkok, THAILAND
Organization: UNESCO
Deadline: September 30, 2020
External website link: https://careers.unesco.org/job/Bangkok-Chief-of-Section-%28Education%29/519809902/