

Chief of Party of the Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project

Chief of Party of the Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project

Type of offer:
Job opportunity
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a Union of Members composed of sovereign states, government agencies, indigenous and civil society organizations. IUCN makes available to public, private and non-governmental entities the knowledge and tools that enable, in a comprehensive manner, human progress, economic development and nature conservation.

Created in 1948, IUCN has become the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network. IUCN has the expertise, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 Member organizations and the contributions of more than 18,000 experts. IUCN is one of the leading providers of conservation data, assessments, and analysis. Its extensive and diverse membership makes IUCN an incubator and trusted repository of conservation best practices and tools, as well as international guidelines and standards.

IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse actors, including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous groups, faith-based organizations and others can work together to create and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

IUCN works with diverse partners and supporters to implement a broad and diverse portfolio of conservation projects around the world. Combining the latest scientific advances with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects seek to halt and reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve human well-being.

The Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC) has more than 35 years of presence in the Region and is based in San José, Costa Rica. It has Country Offices in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, as well as project offices in several additional countries. This position will be based in San Salvador, El Salvador.

About the Project:
The USAID-funded Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project (RCBP) aims to address threats and conserve biodiversity in targeted coastal marine areas and associated upland ecosystems in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, to decrease the degradation of forest and mangrove landscapes and to enhance climate-smart economic opportunities that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable, while increasing ecosystem and community resilience to climatic variability. Through its efforts to increase the socioeconomic conditions and livelihoods of at-risk populations in the three Project countries, including through the promotion of biocommerce, the RCBP also seeks to contribute to a reduction of irregular migration and the improvement of the wellbeing of local communities, which is in line with the U.S. Government Strategy for addressing the Root Causes Migration in Central America.

In accordance with USAID’s Biodiversity Policy, the Project is implemented in the following coastal marine landscapes:
1) Río Paz, key biodiversity cross-border ecosystems connecting Guatemala and El Salvador
2) Río Motagua, key biodiversity cross-border ecosystems connecting Guatemala and Honduras)
3) Coastal marine ecosystem in the Karataska Lagoon System on the northern coast of The Muskitia (Honduras).
To ensure adequate implementation and follow up at the landscape level, the Project is implemented by a consortium of local organizations, led by IUCN. . The other consortium members consist of GOAL International, a regional partner, as well as the IUCN Members Agencia para el Desarrollo de la Mosquitia (MOPAWI), Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza, Asociación de Rescate y Conservación de Vida Silvestre
(ARCAS) and the Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (UNES).

The Project works towards the following specific objectives:
• Improved livelihoods through promotion of climate-smart biocommerce activities that reduce threats to biodiversity.
• Increased sustainable and climate-smart land use practices that target key opportunities to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of land use.
• Strengthened governance and regulatory framework for biodiversity conservation.
• Increased scientific capacity and education for evidence-based biodiversity conservation.

The Project’s Small Grants Program plays a crucial and cross-cutting role in facilitating technical assistance and capacity building to community ventures with the purpose to strengthen sustainable biocommerce models. As such, the Small Grants Program funds, among other initiatives, the purchase of equipment, as well as processes for organizational development and social-environmental improvements (e.g., landscape restoration, reforestation, landscape management, climate change adaptation measures, as well as the integration of environmentally friendly technologies, clean energy, and any other alternatives based on coastal marine resources).
The Project is currently finalizing its sixth year of implementation and will finalize overall implementation at the end of 2024. The Project already accounts for an exit strategy to ensure the sustainability and continuation of achieved Project results beyond its finalization. This strategy determines the key factors and timeline for implementation of this final stage of the Project cycle, as well as the adequate technical and financial closure process, in coordination with IUCN and donor guidelines and procedures.

The position of Chief of Party of the Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project is based in San Salvador and will report to the Regional Project Portfolio Coordinator, based in the IUCN Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC) in San José, Costa Rica. The geographical scope of work of this position will comprise the three Project countries El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, with particular emphasis on the coastal marine landscapes prioritized by the Project.
The Chief of Party will be responsible for the overall management and closure process of the Regional Project. S/he will provide dynamic and effective leadership and strategic oversight and ensure results before the donor and relevant Fisheries and Environmental Authorities (National and Regional). S/he will be responsible for an effective integration of the different components of the Project towards the achievement of a set of indicators derived from the Project objectives.
In addition, the Chief of Party will liaise and continuously strengthen strategic alliances and synergies with other relevant initiatives and stakeholders in the region, specially to ensure implementation of the closure strategy for the Project. S/he will also be the direct Project focal point for USAID, and as such, also coordinate with USAID representatives in the Project countries, as well as other USAID-funded projects or U.S.-related initiatives in the region to ensure synergies and capitalize on the efforts and resources invested in complementary efforts.
To this end, the Chief of Party will oversee the work of Project staff, as well as local implementing partners, based in the three countries. The Chief of Party will also closely collaborate with technical, administrative and financial staff at the IUCN Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC) that support the implementation of the Project through financial and technical monitoring, as well as strategic oversight responsibilities.


1) Ensure effective and efficient planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting, in coordination with key stakeholders of each of the participating countries and landscapes, site coordinators and in compliance with IUCN and donor guidelines throughout implementation and during the closure of the Project.
• Closely monitor the achievement of the Fiscal Year 2024 annual operational plan and its respective budget, and supervise the efficient use of resources for the achievement of Project results, particularly in view of the closure of the Project at the end of 2024.
• In coordination with key Project and regional IUCN staff, ensure the timely development and delivery of technical and financial progress reports (quarterly and annual) and the effective implementation of the Project’s M&E and reporting system with its various formats and feedback mechanisms, in accordance with the guidelines defined by the donor and IUCN.
• Submit weekly bullets to the donor highlighting Project advances and success stories, in coordination with the Project communication and M&E specialists and site coordinators.
• Implement, coordinate, and perform quality control of technical and administrative activities towards the effective and efficient delivery of Project Objectives, including through weekly meetings with relevant technical and financial Project staff.
• Effectively engage and coordinate the implementation of Project activities with relevant stakeholders from the public and private sectors, non-profit organizations as well as academia, from the local to the regional level.
• Directly supervise and provide technical support and guidance to Project staff in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as the Project consortium partner organizations.
• Ensure the integration of the gender and rights-based approaches, as well as youth participation provisions, and corresponding institutional policies and guidelines, for all Project activities, communication products and reporting processes.
• With support of the ORMACC Administrative and Finance Hub, timely plan for the financial audits that are stipulated in the donor contract and others that are required by IUCN.
• Ensure adequate communication, promotion and dissemination of activities and results of the Project to different audiences, in accordance with the established graphic line for the Project, as well as other relevant IUCN and donor policies, regulations and documents provided for this purpose.
• In view of the Project closure in November 2024, ensure effective knowledge retention and knowledge sharing of Project results, lessons learned, best practices and success stories.
• Keep the Project’s information updated on the IUCN Project Portal and provide inputs for the different indicators of the IUCN ScoreCard that are relevant to it.
• Comply with and enforce the provisions set out in the Cooperative Agreement between IUCN and USAID.

2) Ensure the effective implementation of technical and administrative-financial procedures, in coordination with relevant IUCN staff and with the donor.
• Oversee the development of Terms of Reference of Project staff, external consultancies, and service contracts, guaranteeing compliance with the IUCN procurement and financial guidelines in administrative matters, travel reports and field trips.
• Coordinate with the relevant parties (IUCN Human Resources and relevant technical staff) the hiring of staff, consultants, and service providers, according to needs identified.
• Guarantee the integration, harmony, and teamwork of the staff under his/her responsibility, other relevant IUCN offices, and external partners involved in the Project.
• Ensure compliance and implementation of IUCN environmental and social standards – ESMS (Environmental and Social Management System https://www.iucn.org/about-iucn/accountability-and-reporting/project-accountability/environmental-and-social-management-systeml) within the Project’s implementation framework.
• Work as a Security focal point for IUCN staff traveling to Project sites. In addition, supervise country clearance procedures established by the donor for travel and mobility between Project countries.
• Ensure the effective, efficient and adequate closure of the Project, including the delivery of final technical and financial reports, inventory and proper distribution of Project assets and other related processes, as per the Cooperative Agreement with USAID and IUCN regulations.

3) Promote the integration of inter-institutional and cross-sector efforts to leverage funds, synergies, and joint activities with other IUCN and/or U.S.-funded initiatives.
• Manage the coordination between IUCN Members and national / regional institutions that are relevant to the Project’s objectives.
• Represent the Project in specific events and activities carried out by IUCN and the donor and/or U.S.-funded initiatives.
• Establish, develop, and maintain links and strategic alliances with institutions and local, national and regional mechanisms relevant to the Project’s areas of work.
• Stay informed on relevant global policy-making processes (such as the Global Biodiversity Framework) and ensure their proper application during Project implementation, including through the facilitation and organization of corresponding capacity-building processes.
• Identify cooperation opportunities and promote the leverage of other funds and resources to strengthen and scale up the results of the Project, including after its finalization.
• Promote and implement work synergies with other IUCN initiatives, IUCN members, members of IUCN commissions and other partners that are executing actions within the countries and landscapes of the Project.

Please note: These Terms of Reference contain the main responsibilities and duties of this position. However, in a constantly evolving organisation like IUCN, staff members are expected to show flexibility in their approach to work and be willing to undertake other tasks that are reasonably assigned to them but not part of their normal terms of reference. When a task becomes a regular part of the staff member’s responsibilities, the terms of reference should be changed in consultation with the manager, the staff member, and the Human Resources Unit. Any of the beforementioned can initiate the consultation.

• At least Master’s Degree in environmental sciences, biology, natural resource management, environmental economics, project management, sustainable development or related fields

• At least 8 years of experience in senior management roles within similar organizations in Central America with direct supervision of professional and support staff, as well as technical assistance in fields related to the thematic areas of the Project, such as coastal and/or marine management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, marine and/or terrestrial protected areas, sustainable natural resource management, financial mechanisms for natural resource conservation and management, local communities governance, multi-stakeholder governance platforms, gender integration, among others

• Proven experience and leadership in the administration of USAID (preferred) or similar international donor support programs in Central America

• Skills and experience in strategic planning and financial management

• Work experience with relevant institutions in Central America, in particular those related to coastal/marine zones, protected areas, biodiversity and community based governance issues

• Experience working with multiple stakeholders including governments, public institutions, NGOs, private sector, academic research institutions and communities

• Experience providing technical support to nature-based economic initiatives and collaborating with private enterprises (small and medium scale).

• Proven experience in managing the administrative, contractual, recruitment, financial, and logistical aspects of project and programs

• Proven experience elaborating results-based progress reports in a timely manner and for different audiences, including the donor

• Ability to work under pressure and to deal tactfully with sensitive political issues

• A proven track record of managing adaptive organizations and handling complex operations and diverse teams with time-sensitive deliverables

• Strong cultural awareness and sensitivity to gender and youth issues

• Excellent managerial, analytical, interpersonal, negotiating and team-building skills

• Problem solving skills, creativity, collaboration and willingness to innovate

• Fluency in English and Spanish (both verbal and written communication skills) is a must

• Functional word processing, spreadsheet and computer skills

• Willingness to travel frequently in Central America (rural areas and other cities related to Project activities/coordination)

• Willingness to live and work in San Salvador


Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the “Apply” button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST). Please note that only selected applicants will be personally contacted for interviews.

Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: http://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/

About IUCN

IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 Member organisations and some 15,000 experts. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards.

IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.


Type: Job opportunity
Location: El Salvador - San Salvador
Organization: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Deadline: August 31, 2023
External website link: https://hrms.iucn.org/iresy/index.cfm?event=vac.show&vacId=10594&lang=en