Interested in presenting your work in one of the conference sessions? You can submit an abstract through the online form now:
A special program element is the ESP Asia Forum (Thursday 16 December) which includes the possibility to submit a paper to a Special Issue. Please check the ESP Asia Forum page for more information.
Type of submission
There are three different types of contributions you can choose from within this system:
- Voluntary contribution: Please select a first and second session of your choice so we can forward your abstract to the session of your 2nd choice in case your abstract will be rejected by the host of your preferred session.
- Poster abstract: If you wish to submit an abstract which you would like to present as a poster during the conference. Seperate poster sessions will be held. In order to cluster the poster thematically, we ask you to select the session into which your poster fits best.
- Invited speaker abstract: If you were personally invited to present your abstract by the session host(s). Please do submit your abstract too, if you would like your abstract to appear in the book of abstracts.