

Biodiversity Finance Initiative (Internship)

Biodiversity Finance Initiative (Internship)

Type of offer:

Biodiversity brings enormous bene?ts to humankind through provisioning of goods and services with raw materials for consumption and production, livelihoods to local communities, forest dwellers, farmers, and fishers. Biodiversity underpins all economic activity, presently worth an estimated US$125 trillion. However, the understanding about the signifcance of biodiversity and the issues related to its conservation and management are not adequately understood by a large section of society. 

The Government of India enacted the Biological Diversity (BD) Act in 2002; noti?ed the Biodiversity Rules in 2004 and formulated the guidelines for Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) of biological resources in 2014. This legal framework has served well to achieve the goals of conservation of biodiversity, sustainable utilization of biodiversity and fair and equitable sharing. Nevertheless, the understanding of this legal framework and issues related to its implementation have not been completely understood by many stakeholders. 

In order to effectively address these issues this webinar series has been designed to bring in leading experts and practitioners to share their professional expertise and respond to various Q & A. Based on the experience, the webinar series will be expanded in both content and coverage.

Duties and Responsibilities

Assist in organizing and developing detailed reports of the thematic webinars.
Assist in the preparation of for various invitations being sent out for the webinar.
Assist in circulating information about the webinar series across various social media platforms and assist in resolving any queries about the webinar series from the participants.
Any other tasks as assigned by the supervisor/mentors within UNDP/NBA. Ministry Of Environment, Forest And Climate Change

Type: Internship
Location: Home Based & Remote, INDIA
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: August 17, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=93079