

Associate Director for Policy, Southwest Regional Program

Associate Director for Policy, Southwest Regional Program

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Southwest Region is shaped and distinguished by its rivers, whether rivulets sourced in Rocky Mountain snowfields or in the desert harshness where temperatures climb at the border with Mexico. The Southwest Regional Program works to protect, restore and conserve the Colorado and Rio Grande rivers and their tributaries.

Water scarcity has always dictated the rhythm of life in the Southwest.  Today, American Rivers and our partners across the West advocate for southwest rivers through community-based programs, collaborative strategies to support agriculture and municipalities, and policy and legislative opportunities. Working with Tribes, local and state partners, federal officials, scientists and the public, we create durable, creative and collaborative solutions for people, communities, agriculture, recreation and the environment across the arid southwest.

With support from the Conservation Director for the Southwest Regional Program, the Associate Director will engage on policy at the local, state and federal levels and advocate for policies that protect and restore rivers, their headwaters and public lands in the Colorado River and upper Rio Grande basins. The Associate Director will work closely with AR staff and partners to strategize, develop and advocate for policies, legislation and other mechanisms that protect and restore rivers, wetlands and their surrounding lands.  To accomplish this, the Associate Director will monitor legislation and policy at the federal and state level (in CO, NM, UT and AZ); develop and advocate for equitable river conservation policies; research and identify innovative and equitable policy solutions and opportunities to protect and restore rivers; develop and build relationships with water stakeholders, non-traditional partners and government officials, among others; conduct grassroots and grasstops outreach activities and organize engagement events. The Associate Director will work closely with the American Rivers government relations team and conservation staff across the country and engage with our communications and development teams.


  • Work with the Conservation Director, Southwest Region Team, American Rivers staff, Tribes, local communities, conservation partners and officials on a suite of place-based conservation initiatives supporting rivers, wildlife, and cultural and community resilience in the Colorado River and Rio Grande basins in AZ, CO, NM and UT.
  • Provide research, policy analysis and strategic direction in support of equitable policy priorities for protecting rivers and riparian lands, restoring rivers, wetlands and headwater areas and other natural resource policy priorities.
  • Manage projects, contracts, contractors, interns and volunteers in order to accomplish our work.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of strategies to build support for equitable river conservation across the Southwest U.S. (including restoration activities, protection opportunities, etc.)
  • Participate in and grow coalitions and partnerships that include Native American tribes, local conservation and recreation organizations, hunters and anglers, businesses, community leaders, private landowners, agricultural producers, scientists, and local, state and federal elected leaders to achieve collaborative, equitable river conservation outcomes.
  • Lead the development of campaign outreach and communications materials including web and social media content, brochures, fact sheets, action alerts, maps and sign-on letters to build support for river protection, restoration and associated policies.
  • Organize outreach and engagement events across the region.
  • Represent American Rivers at outreach events, conferences, meetings and in written communications.
  • Assist in drafting letters of intent, grant proposals and grant reports.
  • Collaborate and coordinate with American Rivers’ government relations staff, colleagues in other regions and serve on relevant internal teams
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Denver or a remote office within CO, NM, UT, AZ
Organization: American Rivers
Deadline: January 2, 2022
External website link: https://www.americanrivers.org/about-us/careers/associate-director-for-policy-southwest-regional-program/