

Agriculture Finance Specialist

Agriculture Finance Specialist

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

In 2021 TNC, the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) and the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) are launching a new partnership to take this work to the next level of scale and impact.  The initiative, called Innovative Finance for the Amazon, Cerrado and Chaco (IFACC) aims to harness the momentum from companies, banks, investors, initial lending and investment models, and key 2021 climate events to create a breakthrough in the commitment and implementation of DCF mechanisms by 2023, and chart a course to more rapid scaling over the coming decade.   Key components of IFACC include 1) synthesizing the case for action to expand DCF finance, including an overall narrative, science case, business case, environmental frameworks (i.e. requirements, performance metrics and monitoring approach), and successful transaction examples, drawing from considerable work to date by CFA and partners; 2) raising the visibility and commitments for DCF financing among a target group of companies, banks and investors that represent a majority of the lending and investment to farmers in these biomes, both through global events and bi-lateral engagement; and 3) work with companies, banks and investors to catalyze greater transaction volume.  TNC, TFA and UNEP are all leading institutions in this space with highly complementary capabilities, which creates a unique opportunity to drive success and achieve our goal of $3 billion of new commitments and $200 million of disbursements for DCF finance mechanisms in the Amazon, Cerrado and Chaco by 2023.

Expanding innovative finance for DCF soy and agriculture production in the Argentine Chaco is a central component of IFACC, and in addition TNC is expanding our corporate engagement and science capacity in Argentina in support of our goals to halt deforestation in the Argentine Chaco.  Together, this group will form a multi-disciplinary team to address agricultural-driven deforestation in the Argentine Chaco. The Agriculture Finance Specialist will also interact with TNC staff working in this and other related initiatives taking place in the Gran Chaco and other iconic landscapes to ensure smooth communication and coordination.


The Agriculture Finance Lead will be part of the TNC Argentine Chaco team and her/his primary role will be to lead our collaboration with companies, lenders and investors in the creation/adaptation of finance mechanisms that support farmers in their transition to DCF production.  This work will include synthesizing the case for action for lenders and investors, raising visibility and commitments to DCF finance, and catalyzing the creation of new mechanisms and disbursements of capital. Work will be primarily focused in Argentina, but with strong interaction and connections to our IFACC finance colleagues in Brazil, Paraguay, the US and Europe.  The Agriculture Finance Lead will report to the [Argentina Chaco CMI team lead] with a dotted line to the IFACC Partnership Manager based in Sao Paulo. The preferred location for this position is the TNC’s Argentina – in home office.


The Agriculture Finance Lead will be part of TNC Argentina Chaco team, and will collaborate with other colleagues within TNC, the Tropical Forest Alliance, the United Nations Environmental Program, WWF/FVS and other partner organizations to execute the initiative, including:

  • Research, compile, synthesize and package information into compelling narratives for target audiences, building on existing business case analysis conducted by TNC and our partners.
  • Ensure that cases for action and/or innovative financial mechanisms for DCF are well understood by TNC staff and other actors that are unfamiliar with this sort of products. 
  • Engage with target banks, companies, development banks and investors to expand their commitments and implementation of DCF finance mechanisms.
  • Provide support to maintain and strengthen relationships with target public institutions, including central banks, state-owned banks and agriculture and environmental ministries to support the adoption of the case for action for DCF finance.
  • Work with other NGOs and initiatives in this area to share information and coordinate efforts.
  • Work as a liaison between IFACC and Argentina Business Unit.
  • Track the impact of the initiative based on key performance indicators and adopt the IFACC strategy and approach over time.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Argentina
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: May 9, 2021
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=49718&PostingSeq=1