On November 7th, the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) will be launching a free online course (MOOC) on the impacts of climate change in Latin America. The MOOC will be launched at COP-22, at the IAI-ICSU side-event and IAI booth.
This low-budget project was developed in collaboration with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD Executive Secretary Braulio Dias teaches one of the modules), the UN Secretariat of the UNFCCC (with an introduction by former Executive Secretary) and was co-funded by the Development Bank for Latin America (CAF). The MOOC is taught in Spanish by 21 Latin American scientists and targeted to a broader audience – the goal is to raise awareness and communicate knowledge while promoting the Sustainable Development Goals #4, #13 and #17.
For more information and/or to register, visit the IAI MOOC website: www.cclatam.org.