Highlighting the Worldviews and Voices of African Indigenous and Local Peoples at the BES-Net Regional Trialogue for West and Central Africa

by the BES-Net ILK Support Unit at UNESCO

"The work of BES-Net is to bring together different voices to understand nature and our relationship with it. There are various technical and specialized forms of knowledge, as well as diverse values and governance systems; here, the connection between the spirit and nature is integrated into the question of sustainability."
Nigel Crawhall, Department Chief, Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS), UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

"The work of BES-Net is to bring together different voices to understand nature and our relationship with it. There are various technical and specialized forms of knowledge, as well as diverse values and governance systems; here, the connection between the spirit and nature is integrated into the question of sustainability."
Nigel Crawhall, Department Chief, Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS), UNESCO

The West and Central Africa Regional Trialogue, held from 11 to 13 June 2024 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, was the fifth global trialogue organized by the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net) and the second on the African continent. This event was structured around specific and multi-stakeholder objectives: contextualizing knowledge, addressing issues related to invasive alien species and the sustainable use of wild species to enhance food security and human well-being, analyzing the challenges of implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, highlighting and celebrating successful case studies and co-creating innovative and concrete, country-specific solutions based on diverse knowledge systems.

This Regional Trialogue focused on developing inclusive solutions to promote the sustainable use of wild species and the control of invasive alien species, inspired by the recent thematic assessments of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES, 2022 & IPBES, 2023). Participants from Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Senegal and Togo came together at the same table, joined by politicians, researchers, scientists and private sector members, working collaboratively to create a synergy of actions.

As Nigel Crawhall pointed out during the opening conference, given the diversity and plurality of issues at stake, the Trialogue led by BES-Net intends to answer the central question that motivates the meeting of the parties: "How can we reconcile this very specific scale of local terrain with the scale of national policy – as well as for the UN on a global scale – in order to ensure the stability of the planet and our ability to manage ecosystems well, while taking into account the different realities experienced in relationships with nature?".

During this event, representatives of Indigenous Peoples and local communities had the opportunity to speak, sharing their perspectives on issues related to local biodiversity, natural resource management and the impacts of invasive alien species. Among the discussions, certain themes and issues emerged as prominent: the interconnection between cultural and biological diversity, as well as the synergy among the so-called conventional science, local and Indigenous knowledge and practitioner communities.

Two interviews were notably conducted by Radio Génération – the first Ivorian radio station solely focused on sustainable development – interviewing Ambroise N'Koh, a champion farmer implementing cocoa agroforestry in Côte d'Ivoire, and Apollinaire Oussou Lio, President of Grabe Bénin, on these topics. Here, we offer a brief and informative retrospective, providing an overview of these exchanges to immerse you in the heart of the Trialogue.

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

During this event, representatives of Indigenous Peoples and local communities had the opportunity to speak, sharing their perspectives on issues related to local biodiversity, natural resource management and the impacts of invasive alien species. Among the discussions, certain themes and issues emerged as prominent: the interconnection between cultural and biological diversity, as well as the synergy among the so-called conventional science, local and Indigenous knowledge and practitioner communities.

Two interviews were notably conducted by Radio Génération – the first Ivorian radio station solely focused on sustainable development – interviewing Ambroise N'Koh, a champion farmer implementing cocoa agroforestry in Côte d'Ivoire, and Apollinaire Oussou Lio, President of Grabe Bénin, on these topics. Here, we offer a brief and informative retrospective, providing an overview of these exchanges to immerse you in the heart of the Trialogue.

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Cultural diversity and biological diversity: An essential interconnection in the relationship humans build with the living world

It is not feasible to conserve biodiversity based on a single conception of relationships with the living world, one that is foreign to local territories and disconnected from the lived experiences and shared knowledge of their inhabitants.

"We have especially noted over the last 30 years the important relationship between linguistic diversity and the issue of biodiversity – that is, biological diversity. This is also expressed through the ability of communities to find an entry point into living systems and establish a sustainable way of life with them."

We understand, therefore, that each community, group and society, regardless of its scale and the environment in which it evolves, adapts, lives and interacts with the local biodiversity, which enriches its cultural framework.

Cultural diversity and biological diversity: An essential interconnection in the relationship humans build with the living world

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

It is not feasible to conserve biodiversity based on a single conception of relationships with the living world, one that is foreign to local territories and disconnected from the lived experiences and shared knowledge of their inhabitants.

"We have especially noted over the last 30 years the important relationship between linguistic diversity and the issue of biodiversity, that is, biological diversity. This is also expressed through the ability of communities to find an entry point into living systems and establish a sustainable way of life with them."

We understand, therefore, that each community, group and society, regardless of its scale and the environment in which it evolves, adapts, lives and interacts with the local biodiversity, which enriches its cultural framework.

Let us listen to Apollinaire’s shared experience about the sacred forest as a school of biodiversity and as a space for life and transmission for the community. 

Filmed excerpt from the discussion panel between N'Koh and Apollinaire

Apollinaire’s words testify to this: the relationship between biological diversity, the sacred nature of species and the collective memory of communities is fundamental to the life, culture and history of his community. 

Let us listen to Apollinaire’s shared experience about the sacred forest as a school of biodiversity and as a space for life and transmission for the community. 

Apollinaire’s words testify to this: the relationship between biological diversity, the sacred nature of species and the collective memory of communities is fundamental to the life, culture and history of his community. 

Filmed excerpt from the discussion panel between N'Koh and Apollinaire

"The sacredness of species, whether animal or plant, forms the foundation of life for Indigenous Peoples because these species tell our story best (…) In our culture, we tell the story of the bravery of our ancestors, often relying on animals that existed."
– Apollinaire 

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

"Bearers of agricultural practices and traditional knowledge passed down through generations, women bring innovative solutions tailored to local contexts, combining tradition and modernity in sustainable resource management."
– Dr. Mafoudia

Stakeholder synergy: The stakes of synergy between conventional science, practitioner communities and Indigenous wisdom

Over generations, Indigenous Peoples have developed diverse and complex knowledge systems that allow them to observe and track species changes, biodiversity trends and their climate impacts. Their holistic knowledge systems view climate and biodiversity as an interactive system, providing information and teachings that fulfil conventional science. These knowledge systems offer valuable insights into environmental change observation processes. They form what former United Nations University researcher Kristy Galloway McLean calls the "advance guard" of the planet in the face of the unprecedented climate and biodiversity crisis. 

Dr. Soumah Mafoudia from Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, noted that in their organic cocoa agroforestry project in Azaguié, the experience showed that women's perspectives are essential for strengthening the dialogue between science and Indigenous knowledge. 

Dr. Mafoudia explains that their creativity and adaptability have fostered both practical and forward-looking approaches, allowing sustainable management methods to thrive. By actively sharing this knowledge with younger generations, they ensure the continuity of agroforestry practices. According to her, integrating these voices not only strengthens the sustainability of resources but also promotes a more inclusive approach to decision-making. 

Stakeholder synergy: The stakes of synergy between conventional science, practitioner communities and Indigenous wisdom

Over generations, Indigenous Peoples have developed diverse and complex knowledge systems that allow them to observe and track species changes, biodiversity trends and their climate impacts. Their holistic knowledge systems view climate and biodiversity as an interactive system, providing information and teachings that fulfil conventional science. These knowledge systems offer valuable insights into environmental change observation processes. They form what former United Nations University researcher Kristy Galloway McLean calls the "advance guard" of the planet in the face of the unprecedented climate and biodiversity crisis. 

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Photo courtesy of Nigel Crawhall of UNESCO

Dr. Soumah Mafoudia from Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, noted that in their organic cocoa agroforestry project in Azaguié, the experience showed that women's perspectives are essential for strengthening the dialogue between science and Indigenous knowledge. 

Dr. Mafoudia explains that their creativity and adaptability have fostered both practical and forward-looking approaches, allowing sustainable management methods to thrive. By actively sharing this knowledge with younger generations, they ensure the continuity of agroforestry practices. According to her, integrating these voices not only strengthens the sustainability of resources but also promotes a more inclusive approach to decision-making. 

"Bearers of agricultural practices and traditional knowledge passed down through generations, women bring innovative solutions tailored to local contexts, combining tradition and modernity in sustainable resource management."
– Dr. Mafoudia

In his interview with Radio Génération, Apollinaire emphasizes the importance of synergy between multiple forms of knowledge. An inclusive synergy of knowledge rooted in the territory and nurtured by the experience of the environment makes it possible to overcome the limitations of scientific ecological knowledge.

Filmed excerpt from the interview with Apollinaire conducted by Radio Génération, Côte d'Ivoire

Regarding the synergy between science and practitioners (local and Indigenous knowledge), N’Koh explains how the empirical experience of land farming and the practical knowledge derived from it are just as relevant as the data obtained through precise observations using adapted technologies. 

"Currently, I have dataloggers – measurement instruments at the plantation – and we are setting up a micro-climatology station. But when I want to make applications, the farmer tells me, 'Be careful, it will rain today.' And I ask, 'How do you know?' and he provides me with the elements that will later confirm what the meteorologists will say. All of this we didn't expect; yet the world has existed for four billion years. People have now gained an experience." 

Therefore, it is essential to recognize the importance of dialogue among all stakeholders, particularly on environmental issues, such as those raised by the IPBES assessment on invasive alien species and efforts to combat their spread. However, it is even more crucial to support and promote a process of co-creation of knowledge and adaptive co-management grounded in the local experience: this is the central objective of this Trialogue. 

“From now on, now that the alarm has been sounded, it is time for policymakers, scientists, and farmers or practitioners to harmonize their efforts in order to try to curb the spread of invasive species."
– N'Koh 

In his interview with Radio Génération, Apollinaire emphasizes the importance of synergy between multiple forms of knowledge. An inclusive synergy of knowledge rooted in the territory and nurtured by the experience of the environment makes it possible to overcome the limitations of scientific ecological knowledge.

Regarding the synergy between science and practitioners (local and Indigenous knowledge), N’Koh explains how the empirical experience of land farming and the practical knowledge derived from it are just as relevant as the data obtained through precise observations using adapted technologies. 

"Currently, I have dataloggers – measurement instruments at the plantation – and we are setting up a micro-climatology station. But when I want to make applications, the farmer tells me, 'Be careful, it will rain today.' And I ask, 'How do you know?' and he provides me with the elements that will later confirm what the meteorologists will say. All of this we didn't expect; yet the world has existed for four billion years. People have now gained an experience." 

Filmed excerpt from the interview with Apollinaire conducted by Radio Génération, Côte d'Ivoire

Therefore, it is essential to recognize the importance of dialogue among all stakeholders, particularly on environmental issues, such as those raised by the IPBES assessment on invasive alien species and efforts to combat their spread. However, it is even more crucial to support and promote a process of co-creation of knowledge and adaptive co-management grounded in the local experience: this is the central objective of this Trialogue. 

“From now on, now that the alarm has been sounded, it is time for policymakers, scientists, and farmers or practitioners to harmonize their efforts in order to try to curb the spread of invasive species."
– N'Koh