Towards the Kenya National Trialogue: Accelerating Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Implementation through Strengthened Science-Policy-Practice Interface

Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash

Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash

The Inter-Governmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) recently undertook some global assessments of current issues in the sustainable management of biodiversity. IPBES then widely shared three reports with summaries for policymakers on:

Land Degradation and Restoration

Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

The Platform also produced reports on Regional Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services assessments. These policy documents have suggestions of practical ways on how decision makers can address specific issues, such as Land Degradation Neutrality and the decline of pollinators.

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net) promotes dialogue between science, policy and practice communities, with the aim of keeping issues of concern at the forefront of governments’ development agenda. The Network uses a 3-pillar approach: face-to-face capacity-building activities (referred to as Trialogues), National Ecosystem Assessments and an online platform for networking.

Photo by Herbert Aust from Pixabay

Photo by Herbert Aust from Pixabay

Following this approach, the first Regional Trialogue for Anglophone Africa took place in Nairobi on 28–30 May 2019, hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry under the topic, “Bright Spots for Land Degradation Neutrality, Pollinators and Food Security”. Six countries participated: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia.

At the meeting, awareness of the land degradation and pollination assessments was created; the associated problems in the region were highlighted; and the linkages among all the assessments were demonstrated by making an emphasis on the impact of land degradation on pollinators, agriculture and food security.

Following this approach, the first Regional Trialogue for Anglophone Africa took place in Nairobi on 28–30 May 2019, hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry under the topic “Bright Spots for Land Degradation Neutrality, Pollinators and Food Security”. Six countries participated: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia.

At the meeting, awareness of the land degradation and pollination assessments was created; the associated problems in the region were highlighted; and the linkages among all the assessments were demonstrated by making an emphasis on the impact of land degradation on pollinators, agriculture and food security.

Participants debated the underlying issues, visited commercial farmers to gain further understanding of the current situation and appreciated the voluntary land degradation neutrality targets of their respective countries. At the end, each country presented a proposed action plan with outlined immediate, medium-term and long-term actions that participants committed to pursue. The entry points of proposed national actions varied from country to country.

Kenyan participants showed ambition to address land degradation and improve conditions for pollinators and/or maintain pollination. They proposed key actions to manage immediate risks and utilize existing opportunities and pledged to take up the transformation of agricultural landscapes in the medium term by promoting ecologically intensive agriculture that incorporates active management of ecosystem services. In the long term, Kenya’s ambition was to transform the relationship between society and nature by not only integrating people’s diverse knowledge of nature into landscape management but also linking people and pollinators through collaborative, cross-sectoral approaches. Kenya’s Action Plan identified individuals and institutions to initiate these activities and report progress to the Government and BES-Net on a regular basis.

Kenya’s First National Trialogue on land degradation neutrality and the status of pollinators and pollination aimed to create awareness of the supporting international policy processes for sustained collaborative national action by science, policy and practice communities in meeting national, regional and international targets.

The Kenyan participants in the Anglophone Trialogue held a meeting to communicate the Kenyan Plan of Action and explore cross-sectoral collaboration for LDN, Pollinators and Food Security in Kenya. The aim was to:

Disseminate the Kenyan Plan of Action from the Anglophone Africa Trialogue held in 2019.

Create awareness of the Land Degradation Neutrality Targets adopted by Kenya.

Establish a Kenyan network of stakeholders for linking the national initiative to international BES-Net.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry hosted the meeting, with participants drawn from among policymakers of key national government ministries and public institutions, practitioners in wildlife and forest conservation and farmers at commercial and subsistence levels, along with civil society representatives, private sector actors and development partners.