Under the GEF funded Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS) Programme, this webinar will serve as a formal invitation for SIDS to become signatories to the Global Commitment. The Global Commitment provides an established voluntary framework for stakeholders to develop and report on actions and progress related to plastic pollution. SIDS face unique challenges around plastic waste management. Solutions and lessons learned from signatories can provide SIDS with important insights across key progress areas
The webinar will facilitate knowledge exchange by highlighting existing solutions to turn the tide on plastics in SIDS. It will also serve as an opportunity to showcase how ISLANDS will facilitate SIDS-SIDS learning through the Green Forum – a new collaboration space for stakeholders in the green economy. Webinar participants are invited to join the ISLANDS Plastics Community, which will facilitate ongoing dialogue on plastics management.
The webinar is being co-hosted by GEF ISLANDS, UNEP and the IUCN.