Webinar on the Human Rights-based Approach in Co-creating Knowledge for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Action22 juin 2023View Event
Nature Restoration Law: Restoring Europe’s Ecosystems and Protecting Biodiversity28 juin 2023View Event
Webinar on the human rights-based approach in the co-creation of knowledge for biodiversity and ecosystem services action22 juin 2023View Event
INC-2 Side event – Existing plastic pollution – Challenges of SIDs and remote communities1 juin 2023View Event
WEP Development Series: A webinar on the role of stakeholders in conserving biodiversity18 mai 2023View Event
Regional Consultation For Africa: Nature Positive Trade For Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains / Consultation16 mai 2023View Event
SIDS Solutions Dialogue: Outcomes of UNFCCC COP27 and their implications for Small Island Developing States18 avril 2023View Event
Environmentally Sound Management of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Pcbs) Containing Transformer Oils in India21 mars 2023View Event
The Future of Land Restoration Finance in Africa: From Billions of Dollars to Billions of Trees22 février 2023View Event
OECD Green Talks LIVE: Moving the World Economy to Net Zero: The Role of Transition Finance and Planning | 16 February 202316 février 2023View Event
Consultation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Nature-Positive Trade for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains27 mars 2023View Event
Healthy Mangroves and Sustainable Fisheries for Climate Resilient Coastal Community in South Asia1 mars 2023View Event
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to Develop an International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastic Pollution, Including in the Marine Environment22 mai 2023View Event
Regional Stakeholder Consultations: Advancing Solutions Towards a Nature-positive Trade27 mars 2023View Event
Threading your Way Out of the Policy Tangle: Coordination for a Sustainable and Circular Textile Value Chain13 février 2023View Event
OEWG1.2: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution30 janvier 2023View Event
CBD COP 15 side event “Science and Traditional Knowledge Towards Integrated Restoration Approaches”13 décembre 2022View Event
20th Anniversary of the UNESCO Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Programme (LINKS)12 décembre 2022View Event
Greener Cities, Cooler Planet, Healthier People: Unleashing the Power of Urban Nature13 décembre 2022View Event
Higher Education Sector Commits to Take Action for Nature and Biodiversity Through New Nature Positive Universities Alliance8 décembre 2022View Event
Financing the Sustainable Blue Economy in Asean Region: Opportunities and Lessons Learned from Emerging Initiatives7 décembre 2022View Event
CitiesWithNature and RegionsWithNature: Mobilizing Funding, Projects, Commitment to Take Action and Reporting at Subnational Levels7 décembre 2022View Event
Project Monitoring and Result-based Management Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund: The BES Solution Fund Workshop Series – Part 329 novembre 2022View Event
ISLANDS Webinar – Women’s Leadership in SIDS Chemicals and Waste Management30 novembre 2022View Event
How a Human Rights-based Approach can Deliver a truly Transformative and Just Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework17 novembre 2022View Event
Role of National Financing Vehicle in Mobilizing Climate Finance & a Look at GCF’s Private Sector Approach25 octobre 2022View Event
Accelerating Circularity as a Holistic Response to the Triple Planetary Crisis: The Economic Case9 novembre 2022View Event
ILK Documentaries: Indigenous and Local Knowledge-based Land Conservation and Pollinator Conservation Practices in Eburu, Kenya29 septembre 2022View Event
Can We Maintain Economic Food Production Together with Protecting Biodiverity in a Changing Climate?*4 octobre 2022View Event
Online Dialogue Meetings on the Nomination of Experts and Fellows for the Business and Biodiversity Assessment4 octobre 2022View Event
Biodiversity of Glacial Environments: Threats + Fate of Cold-loving Organisms27 octobre 2022View Event
The Gender-Biodiversity Nexus: Strengthening the Integration of Gender in the Production and Application of Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation20 septembre 2022View Event
The gender-biodiversity nexus: Strengthening the integration of gender in the production and application of knowledge for biodiversity conservation20 septembre 2022View Event
Webinar on ILK in the IPBES Assessments of Sustainable Use And Values of Nature30 août 2022View Event
Global Forum on Environment: Working Towards the Elimination of Mercury and Reducing its Harmful Impacts on Human Health and the Environment7 novembre 2022View Event
Ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)3 juillet 2022View Event
Rethinking Agri-food Systems through Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency: Barriers, Innovations and Learnings8 juin 2022View Event
Blue Talks: Cabo Verde & the Sustainable Ocean Economy as a Driver for Sustainable Recovery31 mai 2022View Event
World Bank Group’s Circular Economy & Private Sector Development Learning Series: Session 11 Climate change24 mai 2022View Event
UNCCD COP15 Side Event – Land Restoration for People and Planet: UNDP Ecosystem Restoration Promise17 mai 2022View Event
Second High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development” 2018-20286 juin 2022View Event
UNPFII Side Event – Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Biodiversity Assessments: From Local to Global4 mai 2022View Event
NREF-UNEP Partnership on Reducing Plastic Pollution through Extended Producer Responsibility10 mai 2022View Event
Side Event at COP15 to UNCCD “Land Restoration for People and Planet: UNDP Ecosystem Restoration Promise”17 mai 2022View Event
IPBES webinar series – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios-based Model Intercomparison (BES-SIM)8 avril 2022View Event
Sustainable Infrastructure: Transparent, Inclusive, and Participatory Decision-Making (Principle #9)9 mars 2022View Event
IPBES webinar series – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios-based Model Intercomparison (BES-SIM)8 avril 2022View Event
Joint UNDP-WB Webinar: Resources for countries to design and evaluate COVID-19 Green recovery3 mars 2022View Event
Multi-stakeholder Engagement Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund23 février 2022View Event
From Commitments to Action towards Stockholm+50: Partnerships for the African Green Stimulus Programme28 février 2022View Event
Inspire for the Future – The Role of Forests in Ensuring Sustainable Production and Consumption21 mars 2022View Event
Global Seminar on Strengthening Regulations to Protect Pollinators from Pesticides23 février 2022View Event
UNEP Digital Discovery Series: Using UN Biodiversity Lab 2.0 for Action on Nature, Climate and Sustainable Development9 février 2022View Event
Call for nominations of members of the Multidisciplinary Experts Panel of IPBES15 mars 2022View Event
Women, Land and Peace: Sustaining Peace through Women’s Empowerment and Increased Access to Land and Property Rights in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts16 février 2022View Event
Sustainable Infrastructure: Fiscal Sustainability and Innovative Financing (Principle #8)9 février 2022View Event
The Future of the UNFCCC: How Can the International Climate Process Be More Effective?24 janvier 2022View Event
Webinars to Support Discussions at the Resumed Sessions of SBSTTA-24, SBI-3 and WG2020-313 janvier 2022View Event
Sustainable Planet, Sustainable Health – How Science-Based Solutions Can Drive Transformative Change1 juin 2022View Event
Special session — 40º anniversary of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean27 janvier 2022View Event
Eco-health and Ecosystem Services in Asia: Bottom-up Aspects for Planetary Health14 décembre 2021View Event
Webinar on ecosystem integrity in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework14 décembre 2021View Event
Launch of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network-Trinidad and Tobago project15 décembre 2021View Event
Sustainable Infrastructure: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Empowerment (Principle #6)8 décembre 2021View Event
Activating the Green Recovery Action Plans in Africa through Natural Capital Approaches8 décembre 2021View Event
2021: Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition in this Decisive Decade – Reasons to be Hopeful7 décembre 2021View Event
For a Latin America and the Caribbean Without Waste: 2nd Food Loss and Waste Reduction Summit18 novembre 2021View Event
Post-Pandemic Industrial Policy: Jobs, Growth, Sustainability and Resilience17 novembre 2021View Event
2021 GGSD Forum: A Green Recovery: Rethinking the built Environment and Transport18 novembre 2021View Event
COP26 Side Event – National Assessments on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services to Face Climate Change: The Colombian Experience31 octobre 2021View Event
Review Of The Draft Scoping Report For The Business And Biodiversity Assessment Now Live!13 décembre 2021View Event
Introductory Workshop for Post-Trialogue Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund26 octobre 2021View Event
Pursuing pollinator-friendly pathways during COVID-19: experiences from BES-Net’s Regional Trialogues20 décembre 2020View Event
BES-Net and Promote Pollinators Webinar – Experiences from BES-Net experiences14 janvier 2020View Event
Dialogue across Indigenous, local and scientific knowledge systems reflecting on the IPBES Assessment on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production20 janvier 2019View Event
The seventh session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-7)29 avril 2019View Event
Launching of the SUMMARY FOR POLICYMAKERS of the First Brazilian Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services8 novembre 2018View Event
The Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Plenary (IPBES-5)10 mars 2017View Event
Save the date: Ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)9 juillet 2022View Event
Pursuing Pollinator-Friendly Pathways During COVID-19: Experiences from BES-Net’s Regional Trialogues1 décembre 2020View Event
Webinar: Designing and Managing Protected and Conserved Areas to Support Inland Water Ecosystems and Biodiversity5 mars 2025View Event
Trigger Change! Innovative Sustainable Agriculture Solutions for Land Restoration26 mars 2025View Event
Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change: Insights from Eriel Tchekwie Deranger into Indigenous Climate Action7 mars 2025View Event
LIFE PollinAction: Convegno Finale – Soluzioni per la Biodiversità in Ambiente Urbano e Agricolo21 mars 2025View Event
GKSSB Webinar: A Global Knowledge Service for Biodiversity – Supporting Parties’ Needs for Monitoring Implementation of the GBF12 février 2025View Event
Webinar: Advancing Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Date Palm Cultivation: A Pathway to Food Security and Resilience in D-8 Countries25 février 2025View Event
Online Training of Instructors Course: Arab States and the Middle East | Trigger Change! Innovative Sustainable Agriculture Solutions for Land Restoration3 février 2025View Event
KCP 2025 Winter Webinar Series: Stewarding for Biodiversity | Webinar 2: Key Biodiversity Areas in the Kootenay – Columbia: Sites of Unique Biodiversity30 janvier 2025View Event
KCP 2025 Winter Webinar Series: Stewarding for Biodiversity | Webinar 3: Bonanza Biodiversity Corridor: Crafting a Conservation Roadmap13 février 2025View Event
Webinar: Why is Biodiversity a Priority for Landscape Restoration Projects?21 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Empowering Communities for Biodiversity Conservation: Fostering Local Action Across ASEAN25 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Integrating Media and Communications in National Ecosystem Assessments19 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Enhancing National Forest Monitoring Systems for Climate Action: Tools, Plans and Approaches28 novembre 2024View Event
Seminar Series: Stressed Out Soils: Understanding Soil Health in an Era of Multiple Global Change Factors20 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Integrating Media and Communications in National Ecosystem Assessments19 novembre 2024View Event
Showcasing the UNESCO Earth Network Project’s Contributions to Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Development in Africa7 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Showcasing the UNESCO Earth Network Project’s Contributions to Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Development in Africa7 novembre 2024View Event
Online Event: Farmland Pollinators and Pollination – Influence of Policy and Practice29 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Creating a Space for Young People to Actively Participate in the UNESCO MAB Programme1 novembre 2024View Event
Online Dialogue on the Nomination of Experts and Fellows for the IPBES Spatial Planning Assessment5 novembre 2024View Event
COP16 Side Event: Trigger Change! Innovating Land Restoration and Biodiversity Enhancement through Education23 octobre 2024View Event
COP16 Side Event: Putting Biodiversity-Inclusive Spatial Planning on the Map22 octobre 2024View Event
COP16 Side Event: Colombia’s National Ecosystem Assessment: Key Insights for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity23 octobre 2024View Event
Leveraging Traditional Knowledge and Modern Technology to Reduce Tropical Deforestation, ‘Ghost Road’ Expansion, and Habitat Fragmentation24 octobre 2024View Event
Biodiversity Under Threat: Examining the Climate Crisis through Science and Personal Experience13 octobre 2024View Event
World Food Day Ceremony: Right to Foods for a Better Life and a Better Future16 octobre 2024View Event
Migratory Marvels: Success Stories from WWF’s Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund8 octobre 2024View Event
The Role of Nature-Based Solutions in Southeast and South Asia to Address the Poly-Crisis of Biodiversity, Climate and Land Degradation3 octobre 2024View Event
Online Sessions: On the Road to COP16: Update on the Progress and Peer Review Process of the Indicator Methodology on the National Implementation of the Gender Plan of Action4 octobre 2024View Event
Call for Participants: Official Launch of the Youth Climate Council in Nigeria (YCC Nigeria)17 octobre 2024View Event
Webinar: COP16’s Commitments Versus Reality: How Can Asian Indigenous People Turn Their Territories Into Conservation Areas?8 octobre 2024View Event
Webinar: Experience Sharing on Internet of Things (loT) Applications in Mai Po Nature Reserve9 octobre 2024View Event
Call for Expressions of Interest: Urban Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Project in Latin America and the Caribbean27 septembre 2024View Event
Webinar: We Know What It Takes to ‘Cover the Planet’: Where Do We Go from Here?3 octobre 2024View Event
CGIAR Seminar Series: Agronomy & Policy Solutions for Effective Implementation of the African Fertilizer & Soil Health Action Plan10 septembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Leveraging Ecolabels and Sustainable Procurement for Biodiversity: A Path for NBSAPs for COP165 septembre 2024View Event
Online Course: “Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Science-Policy-Practice Interfaces in Africa”25 septembre 2024View Event
Talk on Awareness and Education Approaches for Zero Waste Communities in Africa21 août 2024View Event
Empowering BOSIS: Sustainable Resource Utilization and Capacity Building in Kaigangan – Updates on Extension Activities: Vinegar Production, Nursery Improvement and Gene Bank Establishment19 août 2024View Event
Webinar: “Combating the Biodiversity Crisis with Native Plants” with Sarah Gray & Coralie Palmer22 août 2024View Event
Wetlands Appreciation Week Lunch and Learn: Wetlands on Barrens with Dr. Jeremy Lundholm14 août 2024View Event
Building Resilience and Weaving Gender Responsive Approaches to Biodiversity Governance-Restoration Site Writeshop27 juillet 2024View Event
The 4th International Electronic Conference on Forests Science, Society and Innovation Nexus in Forestry: Pathways to global sustainability23 septembre 2024View Event
Exploring Opportunities for the Implementation of a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action3 juin 2024View Event
Using of IPBES assessment outcomes in national policy making and implementation19 juin 2024View Event
Human and Environmental Rights at Risk under Land-Based Investments in Emerging Markets5 juin 2024View Event
Nature-based Solutions for a Positive Economy: Unleashing Economic Potential for Climate Resilience in Europe29 mai 2024View Event
Inclusive Conversations: Pioneering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action 19 mai 2024View Event
Inclusive Conversations: Pioneering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action | Workshop 3: International Non-Governmental Organizations and Research Communities16 juin 2024View Event
Inclusive Conversations: Pioneering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action | Workshop 1: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Women and Youth19 mai 2024View Event
The Gender-Biodiversity Nexus: Strengthening the Integration of Gender in the Production and Application of Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation20 septembre 2022View Event
ILK Documentaries: Indigenous and Local Knowledge-based Land Conservation and Pollinator Conservation Practices in Eburu, Kenya29 septembre 2022View Event
Webinar on the Human Rights-based Approach in Co-creating Knowledge for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Action22 juin 2023View Event
Introductory Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund The BES Solution Fund Workshop Series – Part I20 octobre 2021View Event
Project Monitoring and Result-based Management Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund: The BES Solution Fund Workshop Series – Part 329 novembre 2022View Event
UNEA 6 Side Event – Inclusive Pathways: Advancing Gender and Indigenous Perspectives in Multilateral Environmental Cooperation for a Sustainable Future26 février 2024View Event
UNPFII Side Event – Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Biodiversity Assessments: From Local to Global4 mai 2022View Event
UNCCD COP15 Side Event – Land Restoration for People and Planet: UNDP Ecosystem Restoration Promise17 mai 2022View Event
COP26 Side Event – National Assessments on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services to Face Climate Change: The Colombian Experience23 novembre 2021View Event
Pursuing Pollinator-Friendly Pathways During COVID-19: Experiences from BES-Net’s Regional Trialogues5 mars 2024View Event
Invasive Species: Bridging Knowledge and Action for Global Biodiversity Conservation8 avril 2024View Event
The Role of National Ecosystem Assessments in Supporting the Review and Update of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans23 mai 2024View Event
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the IPBES Assessment of Invasive Alien Species29 mai 2024View Event
Recognizing and Bolstering Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Leadership in Conservation16 mai 2024View Event
IPBES – An Expert Organization or a Transformative Agent? Opportunities, Risks and What is Social Science Expertise in All This?12 juin 2024View Event
1, 2, 3… Action: How to Facilitate Science-Policy Engagements that Work and Last9 avril 2024View Event
Gender Equality and The Convention on Biological Diversity, Compilation of Gender-Related Decisions from COP1 to COP158 mars 2024View Event
UNEA 6 Side Event – Inclusive Pathways: Advancing Gender and Indigenous Perspectives in Multilateral Environmental Cooperation for a Sustainable Future28 février 2024View Event
Nature’s Blueprint: Biodiversity & Sustainability Through Innovative Land Strategies7 mars 2024View Event
UNEA-6 Side Event | Inclusive Pathways: Advancing Gender and Indigenous Perspectives in Multilateral Environmental Cooperation for Sustainable Future for All28 février 2024View Event
Webinar: Mapping Future Land-use and Land Cover Patterns – the Europe-LAND Approach15 février 2024View Event
Webinar on the Activities and Outcomes of Integrated Small Wetlands of the Alps Monitoring and Protection15 février 2024View Event
World Wildlife Day | Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation3 mars 2024View Event
Webinar on Knowledge Generation Catalysis: Knowledge Gaps Identified in the Invasive Alien Species Assessment and Needs of New Assessments10 mars 2024View Event
Registration for the Sixth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)9 février 2024View Event
Webinar on Bringing Indigenous and Local Wisdom to Knowledge Co-Creation for Nature30 janvier 2024View Event
Cultivating a New Wave of Environmental Restorers: Commemorating International Education Day24 janvier 2024View Event
Webinar | Risk in Focus 2024: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability7 février 2024View Event
AFN National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP) Virtual Information Session31 janvier 2024View Event
UNDP-BIOFIN Webinar: Launch of ‘the Nature of Subsidies’: A Step-by-step Guide to Repurpose Subsidies Harmful to Biodiversity and Improve their Impacts on People and Nature25 janvier 2024View Event
What About the Bugs? ABMI Wetland Monitoring: Where we are at, how we got here, and where we are going23 février 2024View Event
Call for Proposals: Rural Communities for Forests: Climate Change, Sustainable Use and Management of Biodiversity15 janvier 2024View Event
What does Becoming ‘Nature Positive’ Mean and How can it Realistically be Achieved?9 janvier 2024View Event
14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP14)12 février 2024View Event
Launch of the Biodiversity Knowledge Hub of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations19 décembre 2023View Event
Integrating Climate and Nature Action: Unlocking the Biodiversity-Climate Nexus13 décembre 2023View Event
Greening E-Commerce: Tools and Frameworks towards Shaping the Digital Economy5 décembre 2023View Event
Formal UN Side Event: Women Implementing Climate Justice Solutions to Mitigate and Adapt to the Climate Crisis5 décembre 2023View Event
Invasive Species: Bridging Knowledge and Action for Global Biodiversity Conservation7 novembre 2023View Event
Webinar on the Human Rights-based Approach in Co-creating Knowledge for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Action22 juin 2023View Event
Nature Restoration Law: Restoring Europe’s Ecosystems and Protecting Biodiversity28 juin 2023View Event
Webinar on the human rights-based approach in the co-creation of knowledge for biodiversity and ecosystem services action22 juin 2023View Event
INC-2 Side event – Existing plastic pollution – Challenges of SIDs and remote communities1 juin 2023View Event
WEP Development Series: A webinar on the role of stakeholders in conserving biodiversity18 mai 2023View Event
Regional Consultation For Africa: Nature Positive Trade For Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains / Consultation16 mai 2023View Event
SIDS Solutions Dialogue: Outcomes of UNFCCC COP27 and their implications for Small Island Developing States18 avril 2023View Event
Environmentally Sound Management of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Pcbs) Containing Transformer Oils in India21 mars 2023View Event
The Future of Land Restoration Finance in Africa: From Billions of Dollars to Billions of Trees22 février 2023View Event
OECD Green Talks LIVE: Moving the World Economy to Net Zero: The Role of Transition Finance and Planning | 16 February 202316 février 2023View Event
Consultation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Nature-Positive Trade for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains27 mars 2023View Event
Healthy Mangroves and Sustainable Fisheries for Climate Resilient Coastal Community in South Asia1 mars 2023View Event
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to Develop an International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastic Pollution, Including in the Marine Environment22 mai 2023View Event
Regional Stakeholder Consultations: Advancing Solutions Towards a Nature-positive Trade27 mars 2023View Event
Threading your Way Out of the Policy Tangle: Coordination for a Sustainable and Circular Textile Value Chain13 février 2023View Event
OEWG1.2: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution30 janvier 2023View Event
CBD COP 15 side event “Science and Traditional Knowledge Towards Integrated Restoration Approaches”13 décembre 2022View Event
20th Anniversary of the UNESCO Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Programme (LINKS)12 décembre 2022View Event
Greener Cities, Cooler Planet, Healthier People: Unleashing the Power of Urban Nature13 décembre 2022View Event
Higher Education Sector Commits to Take Action for Nature and Biodiversity Through New Nature Positive Universities Alliance8 décembre 2022View Event
Financing the Sustainable Blue Economy in Asean Region: Opportunities and Lessons Learned from Emerging Initiatives7 décembre 2022View Event
CitiesWithNature and RegionsWithNature: Mobilizing Funding, Projects, Commitment to Take Action and Reporting at Subnational Levels7 décembre 2022View Event
Project Monitoring and Result-based Management Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund: The BES Solution Fund Workshop Series – Part 329 novembre 2022View Event
ISLANDS Webinar – Women’s Leadership in SIDS Chemicals and Waste Management30 novembre 2022View Event
How a Human Rights-based Approach can Deliver a truly Transformative and Just Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework17 novembre 2022View Event
Role of National Financing Vehicle in Mobilizing Climate Finance & a Look at GCF’s Private Sector Approach25 octobre 2022View Event
Accelerating Circularity as a Holistic Response to the Triple Planetary Crisis: The Economic Case9 novembre 2022View Event
ILK Documentaries: Indigenous and Local Knowledge-based Land Conservation and Pollinator Conservation Practices in Eburu, Kenya29 septembre 2022View Event
Can We Maintain Economic Food Production Together with Protecting Biodiverity in a Changing Climate?*4 octobre 2022View Event
Online Dialogue Meetings on the Nomination of Experts and Fellows for the Business and Biodiversity Assessment4 octobre 2022View Event
Biodiversity of Glacial Environments: Threats + Fate of Cold-loving Organisms27 octobre 2022View Event
The Gender-Biodiversity Nexus: Strengthening the Integration of Gender in the Production and Application of Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation20 septembre 2022View Event
The gender-biodiversity nexus: Strengthening the integration of gender in the production and application of knowledge for biodiversity conservation20 septembre 2022View Event
Webinar on ILK in the IPBES Assessments of Sustainable Use And Values of Nature30 août 2022View Event
Global Forum on Environment: Working Towards the Elimination of Mercury and Reducing its Harmful Impacts on Human Health and the Environment7 novembre 2022View Event
Ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)3 juillet 2022View Event
Rethinking Agri-food Systems through Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency: Barriers, Innovations and Learnings8 juin 2022View Event
Blue Talks: Cabo Verde & the Sustainable Ocean Economy as a Driver for Sustainable Recovery31 mai 2022View Event
World Bank Group’s Circular Economy & Private Sector Development Learning Series: Session 11 Climate change24 mai 2022View Event
UNCCD COP15 Side Event – Land Restoration for People and Planet: UNDP Ecosystem Restoration Promise17 mai 2022View Event
Second High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development” 2018-20286 juin 2022View Event
UNPFII Side Event – Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Biodiversity Assessments: From Local to Global4 mai 2022View Event
NREF-UNEP Partnership on Reducing Plastic Pollution through Extended Producer Responsibility10 mai 2022View Event
Side Event at COP15 to UNCCD “Land Restoration for People and Planet: UNDP Ecosystem Restoration Promise”17 mai 2022View Event
IPBES webinar series – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios-based Model Intercomparison (BES-SIM)8 avril 2022View Event
Sustainable Infrastructure: Transparent, Inclusive, and Participatory Decision-Making (Principle #9)9 mars 2022View Event
IPBES webinar series – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios-based Model Intercomparison (BES-SIM)8 avril 2022View Event
Joint UNDP-WB Webinar: Resources for countries to design and evaluate COVID-19 Green recovery3 mars 2022View Event
Multi-stakeholder Engagement Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund23 février 2022View Event
From Commitments to Action towards Stockholm+50: Partnerships for the African Green Stimulus Programme28 février 2022View Event
Inspire for the Future – The Role of Forests in Ensuring Sustainable Production and Consumption21 mars 2022View Event
Global Seminar on Strengthening Regulations to Protect Pollinators from Pesticides23 février 2022View Event
UNEP Digital Discovery Series: Using UN Biodiversity Lab 2.0 for Action on Nature, Climate and Sustainable Development9 février 2022View Event
Call for nominations of members of the Multidisciplinary Experts Panel of IPBES15 mars 2022View Event
Women, Land and Peace: Sustaining Peace through Women’s Empowerment and Increased Access to Land and Property Rights in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts16 février 2022View Event
Sustainable Infrastructure: Fiscal Sustainability and Innovative Financing (Principle #8)9 février 2022View Event
The Future of the UNFCCC: How Can the International Climate Process Be More Effective?24 janvier 2022View Event
Webinars to Support Discussions at the Resumed Sessions of SBSTTA-24, SBI-3 and WG2020-313 janvier 2022View Event
Sustainable Planet, Sustainable Health – How Science-Based Solutions Can Drive Transformative Change1 juin 2022View Event
Special session — 40º anniversary of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean27 janvier 2022View Event
Eco-health and Ecosystem Services in Asia: Bottom-up Aspects for Planetary Health14 décembre 2021View Event
Webinar on ecosystem integrity in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework14 décembre 2021View Event
Launch of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network-Trinidad and Tobago project15 décembre 2021View Event
Sustainable Infrastructure: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Empowerment (Principle #6)8 décembre 2021View Event
Activating the Green Recovery Action Plans in Africa through Natural Capital Approaches8 décembre 2021View Event
2021: Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition in this Decisive Decade – Reasons to be Hopeful7 décembre 2021View Event
For a Latin America and the Caribbean Without Waste: 2nd Food Loss and Waste Reduction Summit18 novembre 2021View Event
Post-Pandemic Industrial Policy: Jobs, Growth, Sustainability and Resilience17 novembre 2021View Event
2021 GGSD Forum: A Green Recovery: Rethinking the built Environment and Transport18 novembre 2021View Event
COP26 Side Event – National Assessments on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services to Face Climate Change: The Colombian Experience31 octobre 2021View Event
Review Of The Draft Scoping Report For The Business And Biodiversity Assessment Now Live!13 décembre 2021View Event
Introductory Workshop for Post-Trialogue Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund26 octobre 2021View Event
Pursuing pollinator-friendly pathways during COVID-19: experiences from BES-Net’s Regional Trialogues20 décembre 2020View Event
BES-Net and Promote Pollinators Webinar – Experiences from BES-Net experiences14 janvier 2020View Event
Dialogue across Indigenous, local and scientific knowledge systems reflecting on the IPBES Assessment on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production20 janvier 2019View Event
The seventh session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-7)29 avril 2019View Event
Launching of the SUMMARY FOR POLICYMAKERS of the First Brazilian Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services8 novembre 2018View Event
The Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Plenary (IPBES-5)10 mars 2017View Event
Save the date: Ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)9 juillet 2022View Event
Pursuing Pollinator-Friendly Pathways During COVID-19: Experiences from BES-Net’s Regional Trialogues1 décembre 2020View Event
Webinar: Designing and Managing Protected and Conserved Areas to Support Inland Water Ecosystems and Biodiversity5 mars 2025View Event
Trigger Change! Innovative Sustainable Agriculture Solutions for Land Restoration26 mars 2025View Event
Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change: Insights from Eriel Tchekwie Deranger into Indigenous Climate Action7 mars 2025View Event
LIFE PollinAction: Convegno Finale – Soluzioni per la Biodiversità in Ambiente Urbano e Agricolo21 mars 2025View Event
GKSSB Webinar: A Global Knowledge Service for Biodiversity – Supporting Parties’ Needs for Monitoring Implementation of the GBF12 février 2025View Event
Webinar: Advancing Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Date Palm Cultivation: A Pathway to Food Security and Resilience in D-8 Countries25 février 2025View Event
Online Training of Instructors Course: Arab States and the Middle East | Trigger Change! Innovative Sustainable Agriculture Solutions for Land Restoration3 février 2025View Event
KCP 2025 Winter Webinar Series: Stewarding for Biodiversity | Webinar 2: Key Biodiversity Areas in the Kootenay – Columbia: Sites of Unique Biodiversity30 janvier 2025View Event
KCP 2025 Winter Webinar Series: Stewarding for Biodiversity | Webinar 3: Bonanza Biodiversity Corridor: Crafting a Conservation Roadmap13 février 2025View Event
Webinar: Why is Biodiversity a Priority for Landscape Restoration Projects?21 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Empowering Communities for Biodiversity Conservation: Fostering Local Action Across ASEAN25 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Integrating Media and Communications in National Ecosystem Assessments19 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Enhancing National Forest Monitoring Systems for Climate Action: Tools, Plans and Approaches28 novembre 2024View Event
Seminar Series: Stressed Out Soils: Understanding Soil Health in an Era of Multiple Global Change Factors20 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Integrating Media and Communications in National Ecosystem Assessments19 novembre 2024View Event
Showcasing the UNESCO Earth Network Project’s Contributions to Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Development in Africa7 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Showcasing the UNESCO Earth Network Project’s Contributions to Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Development in Africa7 novembre 2024View Event
Online Event: Farmland Pollinators and Pollination – Influence of Policy and Practice29 novembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Creating a Space for Young People to Actively Participate in the UNESCO MAB Programme1 novembre 2024View Event
Online Dialogue on the Nomination of Experts and Fellows for the IPBES Spatial Planning Assessment5 novembre 2024View Event
COP16 Side Event: Trigger Change! Innovating Land Restoration and Biodiversity Enhancement through Education23 octobre 2024View Event
COP16 Side Event: Putting Biodiversity-Inclusive Spatial Planning on the Map22 octobre 2024View Event
COP16 Side Event: Colombia’s National Ecosystem Assessment: Key Insights for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity23 octobre 2024View Event
Leveraging Traditional Knowledge and Modern Technology to Reduce Tropical Deforestation, ‘Ghost Road’ Expansion, and Habitat Fragmentation24 octobre 2024View Event
Biodiversity Under Threat: Examining the Climate Crisis through Science and Personal Experience13 octobre 2024View Event
World Food Day Ceremony: Right to Foods for a Better Life and a Better Future16 octobre 2024View Event
Migratory Marvels: Success Stories from WWF’s Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund8 octobre 2024View Event
The Role of Nature-Based Solutions in Southeast and South Asia to Address the Poly-Crisis of Biodiversity, Climate and Land Degradation3 octobre 2024View Event
Online Sessions: On the Road to COP16: Update on the Progress and Peer Review Process of the Indicator Methodology on the National Implementation of the Gender Plan of Action4 octobre 2024View Event
Call for Participants: Official Launch of the Youth Climate Council in Nigeria (YCC Nigeria)17 octobre 2024View Event
Webinar: COP16’s Commitments Versus Reality: How Can Asian Indigenous People Turn Their Territories Into Conservation Areas?8 octobre 2024View Event
Webinar: Experience Sharing on Internet of Things (loT) Applications in Mai Po Nature Reserve9 octobre 2024View Event
Call for Expressions of Interest: Urban Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Project in Latin America and the Caribbean27 septembre 2024View Event
Webinar: We Know What It Takes to ‘Cover the Planet’: Where Do We Go from Here?3 octobre 2024View Event
CGIAR Seminar Series: Agronomy & Policy Solutions for Effective Implementation of the African Fertilizer & Soil Health Action Plan10 septembre 2024View Event
Webinar: Leveraging Ecolabels and Sustainable Procurement for Biodiversity: A Path for NBSAPs for COP165 septembre 2024View Event
Online Course: “Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Science-Policy-Practice Interfaces in Africa”25 septembre 2024View Event
Talk on Awareness and Education Approaches for Zero Waste Communities in Africa21 août 2024View Event
Empowering BOSIS: Sustainable Resource Utilization and Capacity Building in Kaigangan – Updates on Extension Activities: Vinegar Production, Nursery Improvement and Gene Bank Establishment19 août 2024View Event
Webinar: “Combating the Biodiversity Crisis with Native Plants” with Sarah Gray & Coralie Palmer22 août 2024View Event
Wetlands Appreciation Week Lunch and Learn: Wetlands on Barrens with Dr. Jeremy Lundholm14 août 2024View Event
Building Resilience and Weaving Gender Responsive Approaches to Biodiversity Governance-Restoration Site Writeshop27 juillet 2024View Event
The 4th International Electronic Conference on Forests Science, Society and Innovation Nexus in Forestry: Pathways to global sustainability23 septembre 2024View Event
Exploring Opportunities for the Implementation of a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action3 juin 2024View Event
Using of IPBES assessment outcomes in national policy making and implementation19 juin 2024View Event
Human and Environmental Rights at Risk under Land-Based Investments in Emerging Markets5 juin 2024View Event
Nature-based Solutions for a Positive Economy: Unleashing Economic Potential for Climate Resilience in Europe29 mai 2024View Event
Inclusive Conversations: Pioneering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action 19 mai 2024View Event
Inclusive Conversations: Pioneering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action | Workshop 3: International Non-Governmental Organizations and Research Communities16 juin 2024View Event
Inclusive Conversations: Pioneering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action | Workshop 1: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Women and Youth19 mai 2024View Event
The Gender-Biodiversity Nexus: Strengthening the Integration of Gender in the Production and Application of Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation20 septembre 2022View Event
ILK Documentaries: Indigenous and Local Knowledge-based Land Conservation and Pollinator Conservation Practices in Eburu, Kenya29 septembre 2022View Event
Webinar on the Human Rights-based Approach in Co-creating Knowledge for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Action22 juin 2023View Event
Introductory Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund The BES Solution Fund Workshop Series – Part I20 octobre 2021View Event
Project Monitoring and Result-based Management Workshop for Countries Supported by the BES Solution Fund: The BES Solution Fund Workshop Series – Part 329 novembre 2022View Event
UNEA 6 Side Event – Inclusive Pathways: Advancing Gender and Indigenous Perspectives in Multilateral Environmental Cooperation for a Sustainable Future26 février 2024View Event
UNPFII Side Event – Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Biodiversity Assessments: From Local to Global4 mai 2022View Event
UNCCD COP15 Side Event – Land Restoration for People and Planet: UNDP Ecosystem Restoration Promise17 mai 2022View Event
COP26 Side Event – National Assessments on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services to Face Climate Change: The Colombian Experience23 novembre 2021View Event
Pursuing Pollinator-Friendly Pathways During COVID-19: Experiences from BES-Net’s Regional Trialogues5 mars 2024View Event
Invasive Species: Bridging Knowledge and Action for Global Biodiversity Conservation8 avril 2024View Event
The Role of National Ecosystem Assessments in Supporting the Review and Update of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans23 mai 2024View Event
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the IPBES Assessment of Invasive Alien Species29 mai 2024View Event
Recognizing and Bolstering Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Leadership in Conservation16 mai 2024View Event
IPBES – An Expert Organization or a Transformative Agent? Opportunities, Risks and What is Social Science Expertise in All This?12 juin 2024View Event
1, 2, 3… Action: How to Facilitate Science-Policy Engagements that Work and Last9 avril 2024View Event
Gender Equality and The Convention on Biological Diversity, Compilation of Gender-Related Decisions from COP1 to COP158 mars 2024View Event
UNEA 6 Side Event – Inclusive Pathways: Advancing Gender and Indigenous Perspectives in Multilateral Environmental Cooperation for a Sustainable Future28 février 2024View Event
Nature’s Blueprint: Biodiversity & Sustainability Through Innovative Land Strategies7 mars 2024View Event
UNEA-6 Side Event | Inclusive Pathways: Advancing Gender and Indigenous Perspectives in Multilateral Environmental Cooperation for Sustainable Future for All28 février 2024View Event
Webinar: Mapping Future Land-use and Land Cover Patterns – the Europe-LAND Approach15 février 2024View Event
Webinar on the Activities and Outcomes of Integrated Small Wetlands of the Alps Monitoring and Protection15 février 2024View Event
World Wildlife Day | Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation3 mars 2024View Event
Webinar on Knowledge Generation Catalysis: Knowledge Gaps Identified in the Invasive Alien Species Assessment and Needs of New Assessments10 mars 2024View Event
Registration for the Sixth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)9 février 2024View Event
Webinar on Bringing Indigenous and Local Wisdom to Knowledge Co-Creation for Nature30 janvier 2024View Event
Cultivating a New Wave of Environmental Restorers: Commemorating International Education Day24 janvier 2024View Event
Webinar | Risk in Focus 2024: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability7 février 2024View Event
AFN National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP) Virtual Information Session31 janvier 2024View Event
UNDP-BIOFIN Webinar: Launch of ‘the Nature of Subsidies’: A Step-by-step Guide to Repurpose Subsidies Harmful to Biodiversity and Improve their Impacts on People and Nature25 janvier 2024View Event
What About the Bugs? ABMI Wetland Monitoring: Where we are at, how we got here, and where we are going23 février 2024View Event
Call for Proposals: Rural Communities for Forests: Climate Change, Sustainable Use and Management of Biodiversity15 janvier 2024View Event
What does Becoming ‘Nature Positive’ Mean and How can it Realistically be Achieved?9 janvier 2024View Event
14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP14)12 février 2024View Event
Launch of the Biodiversity Knowledge Hub of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations19 décembre 2023View Event
Integrating Climate and Nature Action: Unlocking the Biodiversity-Climate Nexus13 décembre 2023View Event
Greening E-Commerce: Tools and Frameworks towards Shaping the Digital Economy5 décembre 2023View Event
Formal UN Side Event: Women Implementing Climate Justice Solutions to Mitigate and Adapt to the Climate Crisis5 décembre 2023View Event
Invasive Species: Bridging Knowledge and Action for Global Biodiversity Conservation7 novembre 2023View Event