Fostering Environmental Stewardship:
The Role of Human Rights in Biodiversity Conservation

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net), SwedBio and the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) jointly organized an open webinar on 22 June 2023 to highlight the crucial role of a human rights-based approach in co-creating knowledge for biodiversity and ecosystem services.
With over 250 participants from 60 countries, the webinar explored that respecting and promoting human rights relating to the environment is not only a requirement of international human rights law but also often the most strategic and effective means of working with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to preserve territories, biodiversity and traditional wisdom. It also provided the participants with an opportunity to learn how the human rights-based approach is anchored in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and the co-creation of ecological assessments, such as the BES-Net-supported national ecosystem assessments.

"A human rights-based approach is able to provide benefits in the co-production of multiple streams of knowledge, different types of evidence and ways of knowing the world and valuing it, but also protect people and respect different cultures around the world, different norms of how people wish to share their knowledge."
Upholding Human Rights in Biodiversity Conservation

With the diverse perspectives of the speakers, they underscored the importance of a human rights-based approach to biodiversity conservation, as foreseen in the GBF – the landmark biodiversity agreement adopted at the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Further, the GBF also recognizes that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a fundamental human right for all, referred to the resolution adopted at the Seventy-sixth session of the UN General Assembly on 28 July 2022 and guided by the principles of inclusivity and equity.
These principles were well articulated by Opi Outhwaite, Environmental Law Specialist at UNEP-WCMC, "The recognition of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right is significant in facilitating a human rights-based approach, setting an expectation on states, as well as non-state actors, to galvanize action to promote the realization and protection of the right and its components at national levels and in turn help the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements."
Participants recognized that a human rights-based approach can drive transformative changes and effectively address biodiversity loss. Emphasis was made to ensure that biodiversity policies, governance and management actively promote and protect human rights, creating an environment where violations are not tolerated.
Meaningful Participation and Decision-Making

"Indigenous Peoples and local communities are critical rights holders. In the context of biodiversity conservation, it is important to recognize both their individual and collective rights, for example, collectively held customary rights to traditional lands and territories, resources and traditional knowledge."
The webinar emphasized the need for inclusive and meaningful participation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in biodiversity decision-making processes. Pernilla Malmer, Senior Advisor, SwedBio and Hertz outlined the key concepts like rights holders and duty bearers and underlined the importance of the support from duty bearers. A mechanism must be in place, which ensures the participation of all rights holders with particular attention to creating necessary conditions for those who are most dependent on biodiversity for their livelihoods.
"One good example here is adopting a multi-actor dialogue when applying a landscape approach, which is common when implementing National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). In designing these dialogues, there is a need to actively think who the rights holders are and ensure they represent themselves," Malmer said.

Empowering Rights and Communities

Recognizing and ensuring the respect of the rights holders emerged as a significant theme. The webinar emphasized the importance of recognizing the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to lands, territories and resources and integrating their proposals into policy processes.
The integration of diverse knowledge systems, such as Indigenous and local knowledge, with scientific knowledge through the Multiple Evidence Base (MEB) approach contributes to a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem services. By respecting their knowledge and learning from their experiences, the effective conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can be achieved.

"The MEB approach serves to elevate and highlight the rights of knowledge holders and strengthen their capacity and confidence to introduce their own proposals. It helps to reduce the structural power imbalances between rights holders and duty bearers."
Gender and Youth Inclusion

The webinar highlighted the need for gender-responsive actions and the importance of securing the inclusion of women and youth in biodiversity conservation efforts. Participants recognized the valuable contributions, knowledge and leadership of women and youth on biodiversity conservation, emphasizing the importance of their equal and meaningful participation, rights and intergenerational equity. By embracing diverse perspectives, the path to sustainable environmental outcomes becomes more inclusive and just.
"We need to ensure that all efforts of biodiversity conservation also respond to the interest of women and youth."
Human Rights-Based Approach in National Ecosystem Assessments

National ecosystem assessments can be an enabling force for a human rights-based approach by promoting human rights and safeguarding traditional and local knowledge. Ena Hatibović, Project Officer of the Bosnia and Herzegovina national ecosystem assessment, highlighted the engagement of over 200 local and traditional knowledge holders in the co-creation of their assessment through participatory methods such as walking interviews, community dialogues and written questionaries and emphasized that "the findings of the traditional knowledge have been incorporated in relevant chapters of the assessment which contributed to understanding indirect drivers of changes, eco-friendly traditional practices, multiple values of nature (including medicinal plants) as well as a better understanding of a suitable and inclusive policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina."
Shared Responsibilities of States and Non-State Actors

The webinar stressed the responsibilities of both state and non-state actors in promoting and respecting the universal right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. These responsibilities include adopting substantive environmental protection laws and policies, enhancing access to environmental information, ensuring public participation and strengthening accountability mechanisms. Indigenous and local knowledge, alongside scientific evidence, was highlighted as a means to promote active and meaningful participation and involvement.
Emphasizing the importance of inclusive and evidence-based decision-making, gender responsiveness and intergenerational equity, the webinar underscored the shared responsibilities of states and non-state actors in upholding and promoting universal human rights, including the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. By embracing these key messages, we can work towards a more inclusive and sustainable approach to environmental governance.