Join us on 26 October online to explore the role of Indigenous peoples (IP) and local communities (LC) as key actors to implement and achieve local, fair and effective conservation efforts. Their recognition and sustainable practices often underpinned by spiritual and cultural values will be highlighted. Their actions and recognition, represents a key shift towards conservation outside protected areas and areas reporting as “other effective area-based conservation measures” (OECMs). Speakers, including government officials, civil society leaders and indigenous community leaders will share:
(1) Practical examples of local, fair and effective conservation efforts (e.g. cultural and spiritual values and practices) developed by IP and LC in DRC and Korea which contribute to Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF);
(2) Highlight the recognition, support and reporting of these local actors using CBD and IUCN guidance and tools (e.g., IUCN OECMs tool, the IUCN Green List Standard) for successful implementation of the 30×30 target.
(3) Draw out and understand the lessons that contribute to success factors to recognise and support IP and LC centricity and multi-stakeholder collaboration for conservation outcomes.
The event is co-organized by ICCA Consortium member ANAPAC in DRC and Korea National Park Service (KNPS) hosted by IUCN with the support of GIZ