


Malawi has a rich biodiversity, with its ample variety of species and habitats. It is also home to Lake Malawi, one of the most biologically significant lakes in the world.

  • Malawi is in the scoping stage of its assessment process under BES-Net II in collaboration with Malawi’s Environmental Affairs Department and with support from UNEP-WCMC, UNDP and UNESCO.
  • Malawi received support from BES-Net to contribute to national efforts addressing land degradation, building on the latest knowledge and evidence.
  • Malawi is a priority country for future catalytic support under BES-Net II’s BES Solution Fund to promote the uptake of national ecosystem assessment recommendations once the process is finalized.

Implementing agency: Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)

Government partner: Department of Environmental Affairs


National Ecosystem Assessment

BES Solution Fund
