


Ethiopia is an ecologically diverse country with a wide range of ecosystems, including humid forests, wetlands and deserts.

  • BES-Net facilitated the national ecosystem assessment in Ethiopia. The process was coordinated by the Ethiopia Biodiversity Institute with political support from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of Ethiopia and technical backstopping support from UNEP-WCMC.
  • In April 2022, Ethiopia validated its national ecosystem assessment report, which played a critical role in shaping the development of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2030, in line with the Global Biodiversity Framework and Vision 2050.
  • Through the catalytic BES Solution Fund, Ethiopia is working to strengthen policy and institutional frameworks and stakeholder engagement to contribute to the sustainable conservation and management of the country’s natural assets. These efforts included the production of two policy briefs: “Ethiopian Aquatic and Wetlands Ecosystems: Precious Biotic Systems under Threat” and “Biodiversity-related Local Community Knowledge: Neglected Category of Wisdom”.

Implementing agency: Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute

Government partner: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of Ethiopia


National Ecosystem Assessment

BES Solution Fund
