The BES-Net Regional Trialogue for East and Southern Africa Uniting Science, Policy and Practice 

The BES-Net Regional Trialogue for East and Southern Africa Uniting Science, Policy and Practice 

Across East and Southern Africa, biodiversity loss, invasive alien species (IAS) and unsustainable use of wildlife are playing out like discordant notes in a delicate ecological symphony.

These challenges don’t exist in isolation; they are deeply intertwined with water, food, health and climate change. When IAS spread unchecked, they disrupt ecosystems, strain freshwater supplies, threaten agriculture, affect human health and destabilize local livelihoods.

But what if we could harmonize solutions rather than tackling these crises in silos? The series of groundbreaking assessments produced by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on the sustainable use of wild species (2022), IAS (2023) and nexus among biodiversity, water, food and health (2024) shed a critical spotlight on the profound interlinkages of these thematic issues. Equally encouraging is the presence of many communities already nurturing this balance for generations, relying on wildlife for food, income and cultural traditions.  

How are biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change connected? Find out in this episode featuring insights from the IPBES Nexus Assessment Report.

Across East and Southern Africa, biodiversity loss, invasive alien species (IAS) and unsustainable use of wildlife are playing out like discordant notes in a delicate ecological symphony.

These challenges don’t exist in isolation; they are deeply intertwined with water, food, health and climate change. When IAS spread unchecked, they disrupt ecosystems, strain freshwater supplies, threaten agriculture, affect human health and destabilize local livelihoods.

But what if we could harmonize solutions rather than tackling these crises in silos? The series of groundbreaking assessments produced by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on the sustainable use of wild species (2022), IAS (2023) and nexus among biodiversity, water, food and health (2024) shed a critical spotlight on the profound interlinkages of these thematic issues. Equally encouraging is the presence of many communities already nurturing this balance for generations, relying on wildlife for food, income and cultural traditions.  

How are biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change connected? Find out in this episode featuring insights from the IPBES Nexus Assessment Report.

Guided by global evidence and inspired by local wisdom, the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net) brought together 70 experts, policymakers, Indigenous leaders and practitioners from Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe for a three-day Trialogue in Windhoek, Namibia to transform global knowledge into local action.  

The BES-Net Regional Trialogue for East and Southern Africa was co-hosted by Namibia’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and supported financially by the Government of Germany through the International Climate Initiative. 

Tuning our instruments: Setting the stage for nexus thinking

With Namibia having recently hosted the eleventh IPBES Plenary, the country provided a fitting setting for the BES-Net Regional Trialogue, where diverse voices tackled shared biodiversity challenges.

At the opening, Mr Teofilus Nghitila, Executive Director of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, underscored the urgency of early action and cross-border collaboration and reminded participants that prevention is the most cost-effective way to manage invasive species.

Ms Alka Bhatia, UNDP Namibia Resident Representative, highlighted that biodiversity isn’t just an environmental concern – it’s closely linked to food security, economic resilience and cultural heritage. 

Meanwhile, Mr Thorsten Hutter, German Ambassador to Namibia, reinforced Germany’s commitment to biodiversity financing, emphasizing the role of multilateralism and partnerships in turning scientific insights into practical solutions. 

Tuning our instruments: Setting the stage for nexus thinking

With Namibia having recently hosted the eleventh IPBES Plenary, the country provided a fitting setting for the BES-Net Regional Trialogue, where diverse voices tackled shared biodiversity challenges.

At the opening, Mr Teofilus Nghitila, Executive Director of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, underscored the urgency of early action and cross-border collaboration and reminded participants that prevention is the most cost-effective way to manage invasive species.

Ms Alka Bhatia, UNDP Namibia Resident Representative, highlighted that biodiversity isn’t just an environmental concern – it’s closely linked to food security, economic resilience and cultural heritage. 

Meanwhile, Mr Thorsten Hutter, German Ambassador to Namibia, reinforced Germany’s commitment to biodiversity financing, emphasizing the role of multilateralism and partnerships in turning scientific insights into practical solutions. 

A symphony of solutions: Connecting the nexus elements

Comprising four overarching global goals and 23 targets, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework reflects the multifaceted and layered nature of biodiversity as a complex, integrated system. The IPBES Nexus Assessment Report provided the event’s guiding framework, urging participants to think beyond individual elements contributing and linked to biodiversity and to explore how different sectors could collaborate. The Trialogue sessions took the participants through the journey of learning how policy, research and local action could be more aligned to respond to biodiversity challenges coherently, like an orchestra fine-tuning its instruments before a grand performance.

Prof. Pamela McElwee, Co-Chair of the IPBES Nexus Assessment, provided a big-picture perspective, weaving together the intricate connections between biodiversity, food systems, water security and health in the context of climate change. As participants explored these linkages, one reality became clear: IAS are not just an ecological concern – they disrupt economies, drive food insecurity and weaken climate resilience.

A symphony of solutions: Connecting the nexus elements

Comprising four overarching global goals and 23 targets, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework reflects the multifaceted and layered nature of biodiversity as a complex, integrated system. The IPBES Nexus Assessment Report provided the event’s guiding framework, urging participants to think beyond individual elements contributing and linked to biodiversity and to explore how different sectors could collaborate. The Trialogue sessions took the participants through the journey of learning how policy, research and local action could be more aligned to respond to biodiversity challenges coherently, like an orchestra fine-tuning its instruments before a grand performance.

Prof. Pamela McElwee, Co-Chair of the IPBES Nexus Assessment, provided a big-picture perspective, weaving together the intricate connections between biodiversity, food systems, water security and health in the context of climate change. As participants explored these linkages, one reality became clear: IAS are not just an ecological concern – they disrupt economies, drive food insecurity and weaken climate resilience.

Figure SPM.8. Response options have substantial but widely varying impacts on the five nexus elements of biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change.

Figure SPM.8. Response options have substantial but widely varying impacts on the five nexus elements of biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change.

The Trialogue also explored the theme of sustainable use of wildlife through a mix of panel discussions, interactive sessions and case studies. Country teams shared their experiences, uncovering governance models that work, gaps that persist and opportunities to scale up local successes. The role of Indigenous and local knowledge was front and centre, reinforcing the need for policies that weave diverse ways of knowing.

A particularly thought-provoking discussion centred on the IPBES Nexus response options – a set of integrated solutions that acknowledge the deep interconnections between five nexus elements: biodiversity, water, food, health and climate.

The participants analysed how response options such as restoring soil health, strengthening Indigenous food systems and enhancing cooperation for inclusive solutions could be applied to their national and regional contexts.

The Trialogue also explored the theme of sustainable use of wildlife through a mix of panel discussions, interactive sessions and case studies. Country teams shared their experiences, uncovering governance models that work, gaps that persist and opportunities to scale up local successes. The role of Indigenous and local knowledge was front and centre, reinforcing the need for policies that weave diverse ways of knowing.

Figure SPM.8. Response options have substantial but widely varying impacts on the five nexus elements of biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change.

Figure SPM.8. Response options have substantial but widely varying impacts on the five nexus elements of biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change.

A particularly thought-provoking discussion centred on the IPBES Nexus response options – a set of integrated solutions that acknowledge the deep interconnections between five nexus elements: biodiversity, water, food, health and climate.

The participants analysed how response options such as restoring soil health, strengthening Indigenous food systems and enhancing cooperation for inclusive solutions could be applied to their national and regional contexts.

From theory to practice: Transforming dialogue into action

Through interactive exercises, country presentations and facilitated dialogue, participants were encouraged to apply these insights to their own contexts, setting the stage for regional cooperation and synergizing plans for concrete follow-up actions.

One of the most dynamic moments of the Trialogue was the Tree of Life exercise, with participants mapping out biodiversity challenges in their countries by placing roots (knowledge systems), trunks (governance structures), branches (conservation actions), fruits (the results of well-managed ecosystems) and leaves (stakeholders engaged or enabling those actions) onto large posters. This was a powerful visual reminder that biodiversity challenges don’t exist in silos but are interconnected, requiring solutions that can bridge policy, science, and Indigenous and local knowledge.

From theory to practice: Transforming dialogue into action

Through interactive exercises, country presentations and facilitated dialogue, participants were encouraged to apply these insights to their own contexts, setting the stage for regional cooperation and synergizing plans for concrete follow-up actions.

One of the most dynamic moments of the Trialogue was the Tree of Life exercise, with participants mapping out biodiversity challenges in their countries by placing roots (knowledge systems), trunks (governance structures), branches (conservation actions), fruits (the results of well-managed ecosystems) and leaves (stakeholders engaged or enabling those actions) onto large posters. This was a powerful visual reminder that biodiversity challenges don’t exist in silos but are interconnected, requiring solutions that can bridge policy, science, and Indigenous and local knowledge.

Bridging science and local solutions: Field visits and co-creation labs

The Trialogue balanced theory with real-world application, ensuring that discussions were grounded in concrete and scalable experiences. The participants took part in two field visits: one at the National Botanical Garden, where they explored ongoing efforts to manage IAS taken forward by the working group on IAS, and another at Dan Viljoen Game Park, where discussions focused on wildlife conservation. These visits provided practical insights into ecosystem management strategies, the role of local communities and opportunities for economic integration, sparking dialogue on alternative livelihoods, conservation incentives and transboundary cooperation.

Bridging science and local solutions: Field visits and co-creation labs

The Trialogue balanced theory with real-world application, ensuring that discussions were grounded in concrete and scalable experiences. The participants took part in two field visits: one at the National Botanical Garden, where they explored ongoing efforts to manage IAS taken forward by the working group on IAS, and another at Dan Viljoen Game Park, where discussions focused on wildlife conservation. These visits provided practical insights into ecosystem management strategies, the role of local communities and opportunities for economic integration, sparking dialogue on alternative livelihoods, conservation incentives and transboundary cooperation.

Back in the conference room, the discussion shifted towards translating knowledge into action, with country teams working collaboratively to develop national actions aligned with the Global Biodiversity Framework and their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans. The need for regional collaboration emerged, sparking conversations on how to scale up national efforts into coordinated, cross-border initiatives across East and Southern Africa.

The Trialogue was also an opportunity to share and celebrate existing efforts and bright spot stores. The participants explored innovative community-led conservation projects, cutting-edge approaches to IAS management and technology-driven solutions. A standout feature presented by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of Namibia was a virtual reality recreation of an Indigenous San hunting scene, highlighting the deep connection between Indigenous knowledge, sustainable wildlife use and cultural heritage. Presentations such as the one from Permaculture Paradise Institute in Malawi and East Africa Impact Center in Tanzania inspired discussions on how local action, coupled with scientific research, can enhance livelihoods and address multiple crises at once.

Back in the conference room, the discussion shifted towards translating knowledge into action, with country teams working collaboratively to develop national actions aligned with the Global Biodiversity Framework and their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans. The need for regional collaboration emerged, sparking conversations on how to scale up national efforts into coordinated, cross-border initiatives across East and Southern Africa.

The Trialogue was also an opportunity to share and celebrate existing efforts and bright spot stores. The participants explored innovative community-led conservation projects, cutting-edge approaches to IAS management and technology-driven solutions. A standout feature presented by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of Namibia was a virtual reality recreation of an Indigenous San hunting scene, highlighting the deep connection between Indigenous knowledge, sustainable wildlife use and cultural heritage. Presentations such as the one from Permaculture Paradise Institute in Malawi and East Africa Impact Center in Tanzania inspired discussions on how local action, coupled with scientific research, can enhance livelihoods and address multiple crises at once.

Outlining country commitments for biodiversity management

Before the Trialogue concluded, each country presented its action plan, highlighting key priorities:

Botswana focused on improving coordination across agencies, updating policies, and strengthening transboundary collaboration.

Malawi emphasized ecosystem restoration, IAS management in wetlands and inland fisheries, and securing cross-border cooperation.

Namibia prioritized institutional coordination, sustainable financing and ecosystem resilience, including restoration efforts and community-based natural resource management.

Tanzania committed to implementing its IAS Strategic Action Plan (2019–2029), focusing on awareness, capacity-building and research.

Uganda, in line with its recently updated National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, targeted wildlife restoration, human-wildlife conflict reduction and water quality improvement, emphasizing the importance of a One Health approach.

Zimbabwe prioritized ecosystem conservation, landscape restoration and better resource management, stressing data collection and policy alignment.

As these countries move forward in their work, the connections and conversations started in Windhoek will continue to shape efforts to manage IAS and promote sustainable wildlife use across the region.

Outlining country commitments for biodiversity management

Before the Trialogue concluded, each country presented its action plan, highlighting key priorities:

Botswana focused on improving coordination across agencies, updating policies, and strengthening transboundary collaboration.

Malawi emphasized ecosystem restoration, IAS management in wetlands and inland fisheries, and securing cross-border cooperation.

Namibia prioritized institutional coordination, sustainable financing and ecosystem resilience, including restoration efforts and community-based natural resource management.

Tanzania committed to implementing its IAS Strategic Action Plan (2019–2029), focusing on awareness, capacity-building and research.

Uganda, in line with its recently updated National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, targeted wildlife restoration, human-wildlife conflict reduction and water quality improvement, emphasizing the importance of a One Health approach.

Zimbabwe prioritized ecosystem conservation, landscape restoration and better resource management, stressing data collection and policy alignment.

As these countries move forward in their work, the connections and conversations started in Windhoek will continue to shape efforts to manage IAS and promote sustainable wildlife use across the region.

A movement, not a moment

While the three-day physical interactions have ended, Trialogues are considered as a continuous process, with the in-person discussions laying the groundwork for continued collaboration. Countries now have a co-created set of national action plans to refine and implement, with an emphasis on strengthening policies, improving coordination and fostering regional partnerships.

The participants have committed to open knowledge-sharing channels to ensure that the insights gained in Windhoek contribute to their ongoing biodiversity initiatives. Future steps involve aligning agreed actions with broader efforts on national and regional levels, exploring funding opportunities and integrating lessons and knowledge from the Trialogue into policy and practice.

By tuning into the nexus approach, countries are finding more integrated and adaptive solutions to interconnected crises that aim to maximize synergies and minimize tradeoffs. The road ahead won’t be easy, but during the BES-Net Regional Trialogue, through diverse perspectives, a symphony of solutions emerged for East and Southern Africa.