

Climate Science Coordinator

Climate Science Coordinator

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Climate Science Coordinator will coordinate a new project focused on increasing the diversity and breadth of discussions about ocean carbon dioxide removal (OCDR). In close collaboration with the Director of Climate Science and other Ocean Conservancy staff, the coordinator will facilitate information exchange, coordination, and engagement among environmental NGOs (eNGOs) on OCDR. They will also manage work evaluating federal agency engagement on ocean CDR. They will be centrally involved in creating and disseminating information, such as white papers, briefing materials, or community statements. The coordinator will regularly organize and lead eNGO meetings, and they will also organize and participate in meetings with federal decision makers. As Ocean Conservancy’s work on OCDR and ocean-based climate responses develop, they will likely have the opportunity to take on additional projects.


The Climate Science Coordinator will:

Manage Ocean Conservancy’s OCDR community-broadening project.

  • Organize monthly coordination calls with other environmental justice and/or ocean focused- eNGOs, where groups can share OCDR information, discuss their own perspectives and related advocacy, and develop collaborations with each other.
  • Work with the Director of Climate Science and the Director of Climate Policy to articulate and advance a coalition strategy or goals for the eNGO OCDR community as needed.
  • Facilitate outreach and education among the eNGO community by coordinating presentations, briefings, and production of community-developed materials on OCDR.
  • Facilitate and participate in meetings with federal agency representatives and other Ocean Conservancy staff to learn about federal engagement on OCDR.
  • Help select and manage a policy consultant tasked with reviewing federal agency authorities related to OCDR.
  • Help analyze and disseminate the findings of the federal agency OCDR authority assessment to a variety of audiences.

Help OC and the OCDR environmental NGO community stay informed.

  • Stay abreast of the latest developments in the OCDR space, including projects, briefings, new knowledge, and legislation, and report back to OC and the eNGO community on a regular basis.
  • Identify opportunities to share key OCDR information to specific audiences, such as policy makers, other eNGOs, and OC staff.
  • Proactively inform program staff across OC when OCDR developments warrant broader attention.
  • Understand how individual and collective eNGO priorities relate to advances in OCDR research or policy and identify opportunities to bring these additional voices and expertise in to OCDR decision making.
  • Track and share OCDR engagement opportunities with Ocean Conservancy and the eNGO group.
  • Generate new ideas. As the point of contact for many OCDR activities, the Coordinator will have a unique point of view and will be able to help develop and pitch new ideas on this and other topics.


Type: Job opportunity
Location: Washington, DC
Organization: Ocean Conservancy
Deadline: March 12, 2023
External website link: https://oceanconservancy.org/job/2023-142-climate-science-coordinator/