

Applied Climate Modeling Scientist, Global Science

Applied Climate Modeling Scientist, Global Science

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

We are looking for an Applied Climate Modeling Scientist to lead in curating, developing, and integrating climate data and climate projections into our scientific and conservation work across the Conservancy. The ideal candidate will have a track record of research, publication, and application of climate data and projections to climate adaptation and resilience planning across multiple sectors and geographies; be familiar with the latest global climate models, regional climate models, statistical downscaling techniques, and associated datasets; be experienced in quantitative analyses and modeling; and enjoy working across a variety of geographic regions and applications.

The Applied Climate Modeling Scientist will provide technical and scientific leadership, coordination, and training on topics including the appropriate use and application of climate data (observational, reanalysis, global climate model and high-resolution downscaled data) in the design and evaluation of conservation and climate adaptation and resilience strategies across many different environments (e.g. grasslands, croplands, forests, cities, oceans) as needed by TNC and partners, including the integration of quantitative climate projections into spatial planning tools. Their work will directly contribute to the Global Spatial Science agenda and the One Conservancy Science Plan, which are investing in climate adaptation methods, tools, and approaches across the organization to achieve TNC’s 2030 Goals for people and nature.


Are you looking for work you can believe in? At TNC, we strive to embody a philosophy of Work that You Can Believe in and where you can feel like you are making a difference every day. We’re looking for someone who can serve as a climate science leader and technical subject matter resource for diverse conservation initiatives. Communication, managing complex science projects, working with diverse teams, and capacity building are key in this role.

The Applied Climate Modeling Scientist will represent the Conservancy as a science leader on multidisciplinary/multi-partner project teams that require climate data or modeling inputs related to conservation, adaptation, and climate resilience. They will ensure that the latest methods, tools, and learning as well as cutting-edge data, modeling and analysis approaches are coordinated and implemented across the Conservancy. They will lead and support the timely development of peer-reviewed publications that report on these analyses. Together with TNC colleagues, they will work to demonstrate and communicate that nature-based solutions are an integral component of a human-centered approach to climate resilience, keeping both people and nature safer in an uncertain future.

The Applied Climate Modeling Scientist Responsibilities & Scope include:

  • Providing strategic leadership, oversight, and implementation of climate data and high-resolution projections across the Conservancy.
  • Helping to develop training programs for non-specialist internal and external programs and colleagues on best practice and state-of-the-art climate science to support adaptation planning decisions.
  • Ensuring that global and field-based projects utilize appropriate climate data and projections to ensure climate resilience.
  • Fostering internal and external collaborations with TNC business units, universities, and project partners around the world to integrate climate data and projections into diverse planning contexts.
  • Managing and writing grants, contracts, or funding proposals.
  • Maintaining scientific credibility through applied research, peer reviewed publications, and communication to diverse audiences.
  • Reporting and communicating on project impact to TNC and project partners.
    Managing projects and direct reports.
  • Being self-motivated in ongoing learning so that skills remain current.
    Working in a complex matrix organization environment.
  • Being willing to travel between two to seven weeks per year locally, regionally, and internationally as required to meet project and strategy needs. We prioritize virtual engagement but recognize that some projects may require travel.


Type: Job opportunity
Location: All International
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: January 29, 2023
External website link: https://tinyurl.com/yckwm7t8