

Bamingui-Bangoran Site Manager

Bamingui-Bangoran Site Manager

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

WCS has recently launched a private public partnership program with the government of Central African Republic (CAR) for management of the northern CAR protected area complex. This is a multi-faceted long term program entailing park management, law enforcement and community engagement within the Bamingui-Bangoran and Manovo-Gouda St Floris National Parks in Northeaster CAR.  The CAR program is funded through various high-level donors with multiple ongoing projects overlapping, notably from the EU and UNESCO.

Job Summary:
The Site Manager will be responsible for the operational and logistical management of the Bamingui-Bangoran National Park and its surrounding protected areas, including infrastructure development & maintenance, fleet (vehicle/aircraft/boats / etc.) management, logistics, law enforcement, and conservation activities. This job is a full-time position based in the Bamingui-Bangoran National Park.

Duties and responsibilities include:

Personnel Management:

  • Provide leadership to the Bamingui-Bangoran landscape team, especially leadership team, and collaborators, fostering staff motivation and high-quality performance to ensure the team achieves impact and promotes an inclusive work environment.
  • Lead the aviation, conservation, operations, and administration (including human resources) needs of the Bamingui-Bangoran landscape.
  • Manage and support the development of technical and financial reports related to the Bamingui-Bangoran landscape, ensuring compliance with WCS SOP, donor’s requirements, legal contracts, and budgets.
  • Train and manage a leadership team that will command and control anti-poaching and law enforcement operations (including the Control Room and ranger patrols).
  • Coordinate operations with the Transhumance and Socioeconomic Development team.
  • Facilitate communication between landscape leadership team, across projects, and with headquarters in Bangui to keep the management team updated.
  • Oversee personnel movement, flight itineraries, and communications with aerial staff.
  • Build and maintain collaborative relations and platforms with the local authorities.
Site Management:
  • Lead the Bamingui-Bangoran landscape regarding park and infrastructure management including aviation, conservation, operations, and administration (anti-poaching, monitoring, human resources, budgeting, reporting, etc.).
  • Oversee that all field operations activities are conducted according to WCS policies and Standard Operating Procedures.
  • Develop and implement an integrated, systematic field operations plan and budget aligned with the Northeastern CAR Protected Areas Program.
  • Maintain basic operational base well suited for warehouses, communications equipment, control room, a small workshop, accommodation facilities, offices, and additional areas as needed.
  • Maintain all-weather access roads connecting the existing park road network to the operational base, and ensure the logistical backbone, particularly throughout the wet season.
  • Any other duties as requested by the CAR Country Director.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Bamingui-Bangoran National Park, Central African Republic
Organization: Wildlife Conservation Society
Deadline: May 29, 2022
External website link: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?partnerid=25965&siteid=5168&PageType=JobDetails&jobid=722072#jobDetails=722072_5168