

Forest Declaration Platform 2022 Advisory Committee

Forest Declaration Platform 2022 Advisory Committee

Type of offer:

In 2014, the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) was adopted as a political declaration calling for the end of natural forest loss and the restoration of 350 million hectares of degraded landscapes and forestlands by 2030. The NYDF is accompanied by the Forest Declaration Platform (FDP), a dedicated multi-stakeholder network to re-invigorate political endorsement and facilitate collaboration to meet crucial forest targets. Together, the NYDF and the FDP provide a comprehensive multi-stakeholder framework for forest action.

The announcement of the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use (GLD) at COP26 inspired the FDP to expand its mandate beyond the NYDF and consider all interrelated forest commitments. To catalyze the global change needed, we identified the need for a unifying entity to support all stakeholders working to end deforestation by 2030, including endorsers of the NYDF, the GLD, and other key forest commitments.

As the FDP shifts to support a wider community of public and private commitment-makers to meet their 2030 targets we want to provide regular assessments of progress toward the 2030 targets through the Forest Declaration Assessment (formerly NYDF Progress Assessment), pathways for multistakeholder collaboration, and facilitation of inter-governmental dialogue. 

The FDP engages civil society and government officials on a regular basis. However, to ensure the success and relevance of its work in 2022, the FDP requires consistent input from additional key groups. For this reason, the FDP seeks nominations for representatives of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs), youth organizations, and local/regional NGOs to join a 2022 Advisory Committee.

This body will consist of six (6) members and will convene bi-annually to review FDP progress to-date and provide strategic guidance on FDP operations to inform decision-making at the leadership level. Members representing NGOs, IPLC, and youth organizations will be compensated for a total of $2,418 USD for their participation in two 2022 meetings. This payment will compensate participants for preparing, participating in, and reporting back on meetings. The Forest Declaration Platform will also offer financial support for equipment, internet, and/or phone service if needed.

If you are an endorser for another stakeholder group (e.g., private company, global NGO, national, or subnational government), please reach out to us to learn about other ways to engage with the FDP’s work

Type: Consultancy
Location: Remote
Organization: Forest Declaration Platform
Deadline: May 11, 2022
External website link: