

Government Relations Manager

Government Relations Manager

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Ocean Conservancy’s Government Relations team works to develop and implement policy solutions to address key ocean threats. Through strategic engagement with Congress, the Administration, partner organizations and other stakeholders, we work to educate policy-makers on ocean issues and influence ocean-related legislation and policy decisions to achieve lasting change. We pride ourselves on promoting policy solutions that are visionary, but pragmatic; inspiring and activating key constituencies in new and innovative ways; and working with our program teams to win real policy and legislative changes that protect and promote ocean health.

The Government Relations Manager develops, implements, and coordinates efforts to advance Ocean Conservancy’s national policy and legislative agenda.  S/he works with our conservation experts to develop principled but pragmatic policy goals, activate new constituencies, and win real policy and legislative changes that protect and promote ocean health. The Government Relations Manager has the responsibility of developing and executing comprehensive government relations strategies for achieving our objectives in both congress and the administration. The primary focus of this position is managing Ocean Conservancy’s Congressional appropriations advocacy and supporting our lobbying efforts on climate. Other programmatic topics could include ocean planning, Arctic conservation, offshore wind, and more.


  • This position represents the organization, and maintains close contact with Members of Congress, their staff, and the Administration on ocean conservation and funding issues.
  • The Manager works closely with Ocean Conservancy program staff to identify and create opportunities to advance specific policy goals, and to develop and implement strategies and tactics to achieve effective policy outcomes.
  • This work will include policy analysis, legislative strategy development and implementation, selective stakeholder outreach, and coordination of the NGO community.
  • The Manager helps determine when new legislative authority is needed, draft testimony, legislation, and legislative amendments, and communicate with Congressional staff.
  • The Manager responds to requests for information and advocate for the organization’s positions before Congress and federal agencies.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Washington, DC
Organization: Ocean Conservancy
Deadline: April 3, 2022
External website link: https://oceanconservancy.org/job/government-relations-manager-2/