

Manager – Network Relationships – Urban Transformation

Manager – Network Relationships – Urban Transformation

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

RMI is seeking a manager to lead our work developing, strengthening, and coordinating our external partnerships across the world. We have a growing portfolio of work with multiple global, national, and regional city and nonprofit networks, including the American Cites Climate Challenge, the C40 Cities Leadership Group, the Cool Coalition, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, ICLEI (Local Government for Sustainability), and the Urban Sustainability Directors Network. We also work closely with several other global environmental non-profits (including the Natural Resources Defense Council, World Resources Institute, and UN Environment Program), frontline community-based organizations, academia, advocacy groups, and the private sector to implement high-impact programs in cities.  

RMI managers are creative project leaders who work closely with and under the direction of RMI’s Principals and Managing Directors to design and execute projects. In this role, you would be responsible for coordinating multi-partner projects and initiatives (or multiple initiatives with the same partner); identifying new areas and organizations for partnership; developing funding proposals for multi-stakeholder initiatives; and report on impacts and best practices to donors. 

The position requires strong organizational and relationship management skills, with experience working with city networks, other non-profits, local governments, community-based organizations, advocacy groups, and businesses.

Core Responsibilities:

  • Coordinating multi-partner projects and initiatives (or between multiple projects/ initiatives with the same partner)
  • Manage relationships with key NGO partners in collaboration with program senior leadership.
  • Help project managers coordinate the work of multiple partners involved in the same project or initiative, ensuring role clarity, effective delivery, and impact.
  • Coordinate actions across multiple projects and initiatives involving the same partner(s), ensuring the team has visibility and clarity and identifying potential for synergies and efficiency.
  • Ensure that all our program partners are benefiting from collaborations and help the team correct course whenever that is not the case.
  • Identify new areas and organizations for partnership
  • Across the world, identify new areas and organizations for partnership based on the priorities of RMI and the Urban Transformation program.
  • Facilitate introductions and create meaningful opportunities for collaboration, representing RMI externally during meetings and conferences.
  • Develop funding proposals for multi-stakeholder initiatives
  • Work with RMI’s Development Team to identify funding opportunities for multi-stakeholder initiatives and support team strategies to develop and ensure a diversified and long-term funding pipeline for the program.
  • Manage proposal development, working closely with RMI’s Development Team, coordinating across multiple actors to create tailored proposals for public, private, and philanthropic funding.
  • Negotiate partnership agreements that clearly assign roles and establish accountability across organizations.
  • Report on impacts and best practices  At various points in a project or initiative life cycle, report on impact, lessons, and best practices through grant reporting (and contributions to the team’s thought leadership).
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Oakland, CA; Washington, D.C.; New York, NY; or Boulder or Basalt, CO
Organization: RMI
Deadline: March 20, 2022
External website link: https://rmi.synchr-recruit.com/job/392576/manager-network-relationships-urban-transformation?s=cw