

Senior Vice President Of Communications And Marketing

Senior Vice President Of Communications And Marketing

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Earthjustice has been a leader in the environmental movement regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. The staff is one of the most diverse among highly resourced groups, and the Executive Leadership Team is over 60% staff of color. Earthjustice is serious about centering equity and justice as a mission-critical programmatic imperative, and also in all of its policies and practices internally.

The SVP of Communications & Marketing has an amazing opportunity to advance the work of this highly successful organization and partner with an exceptionally strong staff, including some of the most talented and skilled environmental litigators and advocates in the world.

The SVP will manage an operating budget of approximately $6mm and a talented, diverse communications and marketing team that has a solid foundation  in campaign advocacy, content development, digital outreach, and marketing.

The SVP will rally and align these various disciplines around shared organizational objectives in program and marketing, providing leadership and guidance on how to integrate the two functions to better marry public affairs goals with brand communications. The SVP will also spearhead ambitious new efforts to grow the Earthjustice reputation and share of mind among key audiences, while maintaining its value of partnership with clients and partners.

The preferred location for the SVP of Communications and Marketing is either San Francisco or Washington D.C.

Specific responsibilities include:

External Communications Leadership

  • Cultivate relationships between Earthjustice thought leaders and key decision makers on the Hill, White House, and other halls of power to strengthen advocacy prowess
  • Spearhead the development of an Executive Thought Leadership program for the President and various senior leaders to promote the organization, its issues, and its unique theory of change around using the power of law for good
  • Manage crisis communications and reputational risk management; serve as strategic counselor to the President and other members of Senior Leadership on sensitive issues and help develop high-level external and internal messaging as needed
  • Oversee teams focused on major external communications initiatives, including:
  • High-profile advocacy campaigns that support program objectives, enabling Earthjustice issues to break through in a crowded landscape
  • Media partnership-building efforts with influential outlets to increase visibility of Earthjustice spokespeople, clients, and issues
  • Integrated marketing strategies and high visibility partnerships with prominent values-aligned organizations that expand share of mind among key audiences

Strategic Planning and Alignment

  • Lead the annual strategic planning process for Communications & Marketing to align the department’s focus with broader, long-term organizational objectives:
  • Partner with VP of Communications and Marketing and leadership in Program and Development to identify and properly resource shared programmatic and marketing priorities; lead the Communications Leadership Team in better integrating individual team strategies and resources into broader department goals
  • Work with Communications Leadership Team to optimize team structure and processes and improve overall efficacy and cohesion of the department
  • Promote Communications’ Theory of Change to the rest of the organization; partner with members of Program Leadership to solidify the department’s transition from the historic service model of communications to a proactive strategic partner model
  • Oversee efforts to execute, track and measure progress on meeting strategic objectives of the department; regularly report out progress to major stakeholders, including Senior Leadership and Board

Management and Operations

  • Serve as a key member of the Executive Leadership Team to lead the overall direction, management, and operations of the organization; keep Leadership and the Board of Trustees apprised of and engaged with major developments in the department
  • Co-lead the overall management and operations of the department with the VP of Communications and Marketing and members of the Communications Leadership Team
  • Help spearhead best-in-class management and operations within the department, including performance and change management, recruiting and hiring, professional training and development, and budgeting
  • Foster a high-morale, diverse and inclusive department that enables staff to grow and thrive, consistent with the organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles and people management goals
  • Recruit and hire highly qualified candidates from diverse pools to fill key functions;
  • provide regular feedback and mentorship to direct reports; conduct annual performance reviews and support professional development opportunities

The ideal candidate will have a passion for the mission of Earthjustice, the intellectual curiosity and willingness to dig deep to understand the issues, and the depth of communications advocacy and marketing expertise to elevate the work of Earthjustice. Other assets include:

  • Robust experience successfully managing large, diverse teams spread across different offices and regions; ability to strategically design, grow, and manage teams at scale
  • Exceptional knowledge of communications advocacy and brand marketing, with experience bridging the two; direct campaign experience and strong familiarity with content strategy and digital strategies a plus
  • Proven track record in raising organizational profile and developing executive thought leadership from the ground up
  • Expertise in strategic planning, business planning, plan implementation, and evaluation
  • Collaborative work style; ready and energized to work with stakeholders in various teams and departments to integrate strategies and work plans and break down silos
  • Strong leader with the ability to inspire confidence and unite staff around a shared vision; proven track record of successfully implementing change management
  • Creative thinker and problem solver; good judgment and able to move forward expeditiously on initiatives following adequate evaluation
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Keen emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills; active listener
  • Interest in and support for the environmental mission and other justice- centered causes; knowledge of environmental issues and the legal field a plus
  • Commitment to the values of justice, partnership, inclusion, and excellence
  • Demonstrates an awareness and sensitivity to the needs and concerns of individuals from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and orientations
  • Contributes to recruiting, hiring, developing, and retaining a diverse and inclusive workforce
Type: Job opportunity
Location: San Francisco, CA or Washington, DC
Organization: Earth Justice
Deadline: March 20, 2022
External website link: https://earthjustice.org/about/jobs/41183/senior-vice-president-of-communications-and-marketing