

Fire Learning Network Manager

Fire Learning Network Manager

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Fire Learning Network Manager will provide project management, support practitioner action, and cultivate emerging priorities for the Fire Learning Network landscape collaboratives, and facilitate cross-network trainings, workshops and professional development opportunities across our portfolio of vibrant peer learning networks. The FLN Manager will work alongside the FLN Director and the partnership’s other network and program directors to serve as an advisor and coach to network members on workshop and training design, communications and storytelling, collaboration and leadership skills, and our core commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives that broaden the range of perspectives informing wildland fire management, build diverse fire workforces and enable equitable local partnerships.


  • Serve as an advisor and coach to network members and project teams on meeting and workshop planning, skill building and collaborative engagement.
  • Identify and enable opportunities for cross-network learning and collaboration and lead peer learning groups. 
  • Work with network members to communicate success stories and key lessons learned through presentations, workshop summaries, working papers, blogs, social media or other publications.
  • Coordinate workshops and trainings. Provide logistics support and serve on the event design team for in-person and virtual events ranging from small, low complexity events (1-2 hour, 10-30 person events) to large complex events (multi-day, multi-location events for up to 200 people.)   
  • Coordinate with technical service providers to deliver services to network members. This includes developing scope of services, designing and managing contracts, and coordinating logistics.   
  • Support network and program directors in communicating with network members, assisting with work planning, strategy development, tracking progress of fiscal and programmatic goals and reporting, as requested, and travel for in-person support as needed.


Type: Job opportunity
Location: All United States
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: November 19, 2021
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=50512&PostingSeq=1