

Melanesia Government Relations Director

Melanesia Government Relations Director

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

This position supports TNC’s conservation goals by developing and maintaining TNC’s relationships with key decision makers (both political and bureaucratic) within Australian Federal and State Governments to influence policy settings and mobilize public funding for the Melanesia Program. The Melanesia Government Relations Director also fosters TNCs relationships with the Australian Government High Commissions in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. They also help to develop relationships with other agencies that are supportive of TNC’s conservation work in Melanesia. 

The Melanesia Government Relations Director plans, coordinates, and implements engagement programs that ensures that TNC has the necessary relationships with key government decision makers in place to further TNC’s mission of conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends. This position acts as the Relationship Manager for the Australian Government in accordance with TNC’s Standard Operating Procedures for Management of Relationships with Public Sector Entities. 

The Melanesia Government Relations Director ensures that the Melanesia program complies with lobbying laws and regulations and monitors legislative and administrative initiatives and policies related to the mission or programs of TNC and communicates these effectively to all relevant stakeholders.

This role will focus predominantly on engagement with the Australian government; while also providing coordination and strategic support for engagement with other regional and donor agencies that have an interest the wider Asia Pacific region as required.


  • Foster and maintain a strong network of political and public sector contacts with Australian government (in Australia and at post) to support public fundraising and increase the level of financial support and policy advocacy for the Melanesia program.
  • Develop and lead the implementation of government relations engagement plans including organizing meetings, political engagement opportunities and government participation in TNC events.
  • Provide government relations mentoring and training support for Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands country directors
  • Build on TNC’s reputation as a trusted source of advice to Government and policy makers by advocating for TNC, coordinating and disseminating research and analysis of policy issues undertaken by TNC’s science, conservation and policy teams. 
  • Follow-up and provide regular updates to the Melanesia Program Director, Conservation Partnerships Director, Asia Pacific and relevant conservation teams within Australia and the Asia-Pacific on changes to the national and regional context for conservation and TNC operations
  • Lead public fund-raising activities to increase the level of financial support for TNC projects and priorities 
  • Work alongside conservation staff to prepare concept notes and grant proposals
  • Prepare briefs, presentations and other communications for key Ministers, backbenchers and departments, partners and board directors on policy and political issues relating to TNC’s conservation priorities. 
  • Manage TNC’s internal systems and processes to ensure that our government engagement activities are well coordinated, tracked and documented utilising CRM.
  • Explore the potential opportunities of TNC working in other Melanesian countries like Vanuatu and New Caledonia.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Australia
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: October 31, 2021
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=50522&PostingSeq=1