

Biodiversity specialist/terrestrial ecologist for the SAM: Alaoa Multi-Purpose Dam Project

Biodiversity specialist/terrestrial ecologist for the SAM: Alaoa Multi-Purpose Dam Project

Type of offer:

BMMP. The international Terrestrial Ecologist will be the ‘team lead’ for the BMMP deliverable and will take overall responsibility for organizing the work program for the BMMP (with inputs from the team
members) and bring together the outputs of the other three team members. A table of contents for the BMMP will be agreed with ADB, the Terrestrial Ecologist will coordinate inputs from the team and liaise with ADB. The BMMP will include:

  • An overview of the priority biodiversity features identified for the Project;
  • A clear statement of the Project’s objectives for each priority biodiversity feature;
  • A description of avoidance, minimization, and restoration measures for direct and indirect impacts on priority biodiversity associated with project operations, with timings and responsibility for implementation. This will involve working closely with respective divisions within MNRE to develop:
    • An avifauna and bat management and monitoring plan;
    • An outline methodology and TOR for an experienced expert to undertake surveys, prior to commencement of clearing and/or construction activities to ensure Mao and Manumea breeding is not occurring in the area;
    • An outline approach/methodology of a forest clearance and restoration plan, to be further developed by the contractor;
    • An on-site replanting plan (including nursery establishment) which needs to commence ahead of clearance and construction activities as some trees take up to five-years (or longer) to fruit; and
    • Outline for a long-term invasive species and pest control plan that will be fully developed as part of the BOP;
  • To feed into the BOP, a preliminary identification and description of residual impacts and offset measures or additional conservation actions required to achieve no net loss; and
BOP. The BOP will seek to achieve no net loss of biodiversity as a result of the Project, and preferably a net gain of biodiversity with respect to species composition, habitat structure, ecosystem function and people’s use and cultural values associated with biodiversity. Based on information in the draft EIA and BMMP, the BOP will identify strategies and measures for: (i) averted-loss – conservation projects that conserve threatened biodiversity values, which may include creating new protected areas or supporting existing but threatened protected areas; and (ii) restoration – conservation projects that restore biodiversity values, and in some cases enhance or create new habitat. The international Terrestrial Ecologist will coordinate with the Offsetting Specialist who will be the ‘team lead’ for the BOP deliverable and will take overall responsibility for organizing the work program for the BOP (with inputs from the other team member) and bringing together the outputs of the BMMP team  members.  The BOP will include:
  • An overview of the biodiversity offsets required for the Project;
  • A clear statement of the Project’s objectives for each biodiversity offset;
  • A description of restoration and/or conservation measures for specific sites and identification of the mechanisms and goals, with timings and responsibility for implementation.  This will involve working closely with respective divisions within MNRE to develop:
    • A restoration buffer and catchment restoration plan (ensuring restoration and pest control occurs in 2- 3 valley sites which are considered refugia sites for Manumea), including a long-term livelihood plan for the (affected?) communities;
    • A threatened species habitat protection and enhancement plan;
    • A long-term invasive species and pest control and monitoring plan;
    • A relocation feasibility study for Mao;
    • An environmental flow policy and environmental flow guidelines based, as required, on surveys of the rivers in the catchments on Upolu in addition to the information available in Project documentation;
    • An e-flow restoration plan for the Vaisigano River branches not affected by the Alaoa Dam, including the design of a fish migration diversion structure at the confluence of the eastern and western branches of the Vaisigano river;
    • A capacity building plan for government officers, executing agency, local communities, and other stakeholders; and
    • An offsetting financing plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of the measures.
  • The Project’s approach for monitoring and evaluating both implementation itself and the outcomes of its implementation, and a resourced and costed plan for monitoring and evaluation.


Type: Consultancy
Location: Flexible
Organization: Asian Development Bank
Deadline: May 10, 2021
External website link: https://selfservice.adb.org/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=XXCRS_CSRN_PROFILE_PAGE&selNo=168904