

Advocacy Officer, Climate

Advocacy Officer, Climate

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The advocacy officer will lead our engagement in climate policy and the related landscape recovery dialogues on nature-based solutions, science-based emission reduction targets, responsible corporate climate action and climate finance. The role will contribute to efforts to strengthen the organization ensuring policy and content coherence and hence a stronger voice. The role sits within the Communications and Advocacy team, operating at a global level and is in close collaboration with the Programme Head Wetland Carbon and colleagues around the world, helping to build capacity where necessary.

Responsibilities and tasks

  • Lead climate policy work and act as a focal point for the UNFCCC and NDC Partnership.
  • Design and implement advocacy strategy in collaboration with the technical team and partners.
  • Identify and advise on key opportunities and moments to influence and engage stakeholders, institutions and relevant actors across landscape restoration.
  • Coordinate the regional policy efforts and support our offices in connecting to relevant global forums and policy processes.
  • Promote our methodologies, knowledge, cases and examples.
  • Participate in relevant strategic partnerships, partner networks, events and international forums.
  • Help develop and produce reports and publications, position papers, policy briefings, presentations, write stories and define key messages for use across all channels.
  • Participate in the relevant Community of Practice.

Working relations

INSIDE Wetlands International – Global Office and network offices: Head of Communications and Advocacy, communications and advocacy team; Project Managers, Programme Heads, Heads of Offices and technical staff from network offices, Associate Experts and where appropriate, the CEO and Management Team.

OUTSIDE Wetlands International: Strategic partners and related conservation and humanitarian organisations, private sector executives, other NGOs in the Netherlands and other countries, government officials and journalists, as well as contracts including designers, writers, editors, press agencies, printers.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Global Office, Ede-Wageningen, Netherlands
Organization: Wetlands International
Deadline: May 9, 2021
External website link: https://www.wetlands.org/advocacy-officer-climate/