

Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Type of offer:

The UNDP-UNEP Poverty Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals (Poverty-Environment Action) is a global UN-led programme supporting country-led efforts to mainstream poverty-environment linkages into national development planning, budgeting and finance. Poverty-Environment Action provides financial and technical assistance to government partners to establish institutional and capacity strengthening programmes and carry out activities to address the poverty-environment context.

As part of this effort, Poverty-Environment Action produces various advocacy, knowledge and communication products targeting national and global audiences of practitioners working on mainstreaming the environment into national development planning and the implementation that follows. In order to professionally present and communicate the information, these products would benefit from the experience and skills of consultant who can provide editorial and graphic design services in support of production for the below-listed Poverty-Environment Action knowledge product.

The South-South Collaboration Forum is a joint effort of the UNEP-Ecosystems Management Partnership (IEMP) and Poverty-Environment Action to address poverty elimination, natural resource management and food security issues in Africa and Asia and the Pacific region through exchange of experience and lessons learned with partners, including Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and UN Women in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and response. UNEP Ecosystems Integration Branch is the host of IEMP and the Poverty-Environment Action project at UNEP.

Responsibilities: During development and eventual delivery of the publications, the consultant will report to the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Action Programme Management Officer.

The Consultant will perform the following tasks:

  • Copy editing in English within 10 days of receiving the draft document;
  • Check document for redundancy of language or content; ensure that the product highlight key messages in “plain” English, reducing jargon to deliver concise messages and ensure language consistency across the product, propose improvements to ensure concise text; perform quality assurance and correct consistency throughout the publications including review and correction of reference list and footnotes;
  • Design infographics and illustrations that help convey the key messages of the publications. All infographics should be submitted as separate image files that can be used for social media. Layout and design the entire publication, following the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Action publishing guidelines, Poverty-Environment Action graphic design guide for cover illustrations and layout publications including use of graphics, boxes, figures, pictures, and bullet points to ensure the publications are easy to read, aesthetically pleasing, and consistent throughout;
  • Review and proof reading of the designed version of the publication and identify and advise on any needed corrections of the text;
  • Adjust the layout and design in accordance with feedback from the IEMP and Poverty-Environment Action Unit staff. Independently liaise with Poverty-Environment Action staff to ensure that necessary corrections are made; and finalize the design and format of the document, making it ready for electronic publishing and online dissemination.
  • Advise on branding of the South-South Collaborative Forum
  • Design of communications materials (logotype, invitation, poster/roll up, certificate of participation)


Type: Consultancy
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Organization: United Nations Environment Programme
Deadline: March 16, 2021
External website link: https://unjobs.org/vacancies/1615235748287