

Project Administrator

Project Administrator

Type of offer:

Project Context

1. Feasibility study and business plan for setting up an integrated and competitive agropole in Senegal in the Center region (SAP ID: 190020)

The Partnership Country Programme (PCP) aims support the Government of Senegal to implement a roadmap towards inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) as outlined in the Lima Declaration adopted on 02 December 2013 during the 15th session of the General Conference of UNIDO. It is in this framework that this project will develop a comprehensive technical-economic feasibility study and the associated business plan for the establishment of an integrated and competitive agropole in the center region of Senegal. This study will consolidate (i) the legal, regulatory, and institutional aspects of improving the business climate; (ii) the preparation of the physical facilities with project proposals, the administrative, technical, financial, socio-environmental and management aspects of the Agropole as well as its operation and (iii) an agricultural value chain dimension which includes market demand assessments and aims to improve the structuring, functioning, and capacity of actors. In addition, the feasibility study will build on UNIDO’s preparatory work in 2015, which resulted in a detailed value chain analysis of Senegal’s agro-industrial sector, and in opportunity studies for implementation of 3 agropoles in Senegal. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Mines, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment, the Operational Monitoring Office of the PES (BOS), the private sector and development partners of Senegal. This study will serve as the main input to outline the exchanges that will take place within the framework of “Labs”. These Labs are organized by the BOS with the support of PEMANDU (Delivery Unit in Malaysia). They will be organised by the BOS and will bring together the main public and private decision-makers involved in the agropoles for 3 consecutive weeks, with the aim of achieving formal commitments prior to the execution of this project.

Expected result: Feasibility study and business plan for appropriately sized agropole accepted and approved by stakeholders

2. International Industrial Biotechnology Network (IIBN) Phase 2 (SAP ID: 180134)

Since the mid 1990’s, UNIDO has been supporting developing countries to foster harmonization of national capacities for the application of biotechnologies in agro-based product development and industrial processing. The proposed project builds on the successes of UNIDO’s previous projects on industrial biotechnology, to support the formation of the concept of the knowledge-based bio-economy (KBBE), within the context of inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID), to the agricultural sector and improve the quality and productivity bio-based industries. Drawing on the expertise from industrialized countries and economies in transition, the project seeks to the establishment a centre of excellence for non-food biomass utilization in Guangxi, China, to expand UNIDO’s international industrial biotechnology network (IIBN), in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region and Africa.

Output 1: Scientific fora to support the expansion of the IIBN in ASEAN and African regions and composed of diverse stakeholders involved in bio-based industry organised

Output 2: Exchange visit and training on industrial biotechnology applications in biobased industries, for junior-mid career specialist conducted.

Output 3: Pilot projects on industrial biotechnology, identified, developed and knowledge transferred among IIBN members and participating countries.

Output 4: Knowledge management products generated, information disseminated and convening functions

Output 5: Project co-ordination mechanism established, inception phase baseline conducted and reported

3. Partnering for Fisheries Development in Ethiopia (SAP ID: 160276)

The Government of Ethiopia – Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP ) – prioritizes fisheries and aquaculture value chains development, where in the past attention of government policies and programmes were mostly focused on research and academic teaching on environmental regulation and management of fishing resources and the water catchments.

Ethiopia’s fisheries sector potential is limited by low productivity and lack of support services including trainings for value chains development, which if adequately addressed by enhancing the requisite support services could contribute to diversification of livelihoods opportunities and bridge the growing domestic demand for quality fish and fisheries products. The country has diverse natural and managed water bodies which are endowed with fisheries resources, provisioning for livelihoods as is mostly evident in rural fishing communities, and with considerable potential for developing selected commercial species to competitive export value chains.
This project has the objective to promote institutional capacity building through the establishment or upgrading of a Fisheries and Aquaculture Training and Vocational Institute (FATVI), thereby supporting development of the fisheries sector of Ethiopia and its diversification of the related industry value chains. The project is expected to contribute to the national strategic objective of economic diversification and efficient use and management of the diverse fisheries and aquaculture resources, and improving economic livelihoods. The project expected outcome is developed and well-coordinated national institutional capacity with adequate human capacity and, therefore providing quality training, and support services to develop the respective sector value chains.

Output 1: Baseline report and project plans prepared, and validated by counterparts, stakeholders and funding partner(s)

Output 2: Fisheries training institute (FATVI) and business centers established and operated

Output 3: Relevant FATVI services, and curricula and training modules introduce and adopted

Output 4: Monitoring, evaluation and project visibility undertaken as planned

DUTY STATION: Vienna, Austria
DURATION: 1 year (with possibility of extension)

Main Functions

Under the supervision of a Project Manager of the DTA/AGR/SFS division, and working with the project team, the incumbent administers elements of technical cooperation programmes or specific projects of limited complexity and implementation of technical cooperation programmes and activities.

Main duties:

– Selecting, organizing and summarizing background information to describe the overall context and background relevant to a project or a sector of technical cooperation activities in a country, assessing the local context for the planning and administration of individual technical cooperation projects;

– Analysing and interpreting project background history and documentation, identifying, reconstructing and documenting significant project events, decisions and deviations;

– Drafting sections of project documents such as project background and justification;

– Informing experts, consultants and other project participants about logistical arrangements and internal procedures for monitoring and reporting in terms of the immediate objectives of specific projects;

– Monitoring specific aspects of project implementation and identifying problems and proposing that actions be taken to expedite delivery of inputs;

– Drafting comments on designated aspects of project progress as an input to programme monitoring;

– Drafting project revisions, including adjusting individual project budgets, on the basis of changed work plans.

– Maintaining institutional memories or other documentation systems to record project/programme, history and ongoing activities;

– Ad-hoc assignments as required

Type: Consultancy
Location: Austria
Organization: UNIDO
Deadline: March 9, 2021
External website link: https://www.unido.org/vacancies/project-administrator