

Activity Manager/ Mangrove Specialist

Activity Manager/ Mangrove Specialist

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Myanmar has embarked on a major transition towards democracy, market style economy and peace. Myanmar has low middle-income status (LMIC) and is committed to lifting itself out of Least Developed Country (LDC) status within the next seven years. Following the implementation of the first ever UNDP Country Programme during 2013-2017 and as a key development partner of the government of Myanmar, UNDP is implementing a new UNDP Country Programme for the period 2018-2022, striving to deliver on a large and relevant programme portfolio that is responsive to the main development challenges facing the country.

The UNDP Country Office in Myanmar is a key interlocutor and advisor to the government at the national and sub-national on sustainable and inclusive growth, (including economic, environment, climate change and disaster risk reduction issues) and is expanding its programme at the state, region and township levels in order to ensure stronger institutions at all levels of government as well as broader civic engagement as part of the effort to support Myanmar’s democratic transition, build and sustain peace and promote more inclusive and sustainable development.

A structure of UNDP Myanmar is in place since 2018 to support a more integrated and collaborative way to help Myanmar achieve sustainable development and sustained peace. The Country Office has aligned the new office structure with the new CPD and designed new ways of working that facilitate more collaboration across the office, create the foundations for more sub-national level work and emphasize learning and support to national staff capacity development.

The Governance for Resilience and Sustainability Project (GRSP) assists Myanmar to implement recent policy reforms related to environmental governance, climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR), to ensure that economic growth in Myanmar is more inclusive, resilient and sustainable. Environmental degradation, when combined with natural disasters and effects of climate change, undermines the attainment of inclusive and sustainable growth. UNDP recognizes that Myanmar’s environmental assets present unique opportunities for green economic development which can directly support women’s economic empowerment and community resilience.

Mangroves are among the most productive ecosystems in the world.  Their high rates of net primary productivity deliver significant ecosystem goods and benefits to society, including support of coastal fisheries, shoreline stabilization, timber and non-timber forest products, protection from coastal storms and tsunami, and sequestration of atmospheric carbon.  Recent research has drawn attention to the capacity of mangroves to store large amounts of organic carbon, which is of high value to international efforts to address climate change.  Their high levels of productivity and deep, anoxic soils that slow decomposition of organic matter make them among the most carbon-rich ecosystems in the world.  Thus, given their carbon and non-carbon ecosystem goods and benefits, sustainable management of the resources but especially conservation and reforestation of mangroves presents a particularly promising opportunity to support and protect coastal communities from the risks caused by climate change and natural disasters, while also mitigating carbon emissions that cause climate change.

Consequently, with funding from the Government of Norway, UNDP, in partnership with FAO and UNEP, will implement activities to ensure that mangrove ecosystems are effectively integrated into Myanmar’s REDD+ Programme, as an additional outcome of the GRSP.

The Specialist works under the overall guidance and the direct supervision of the Chief of Unit, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Unit. H/she is accountable for activity engaging in the Country Office integrated coordination and task team structures to ensure full integration of its activities within the Country Programme and projects.  H/she will need to manage integration and coordination among different government partners, participating UN agencies, UNDP project teams and technical advisors.

UNDP Myanmar is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance in its staff. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Unit of UNDP, the Activity Manager/Mangrove Specialist will be responsible for overall technical direction and implementation of the project activities.

Summary of Key Functions:

Manage the implementation of the project;
Coordinate activities among Government Agencies and Development Partners and Support the Operations of REDD+/Myanmar Bodies; and
Ensure effective delivery of results.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: November 5, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.partneragencies.net/erecruitjobs.html?JobOpeningId=33324&HRS_JO_PST_SEQ=1&hrs_site_id=2