

Technical Adviser

Technical Adviser

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands (SAP) is responsible for FAO’s response in developing, promoting, overseeing and implementing agreed strategies to address subregional food, agriculture and rural development priorities. The Subregional Office is based in Samoa, and is a subsidiary of FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP). SAP is an important FAO technical hub in direct support of 14 countries.
The Technical Adviser post is located in Kiribati (Tarawa) and funded under the FAO Global Environment Facility (GEF) Project “Resilient Islands, Resilient Communities – GCP/KIR/009/GFF”. The project aims to improve biodiversity conservation and land/seascape level management to enhance socio-ecological resilience to climate variability and change in Kiribati.

Key Functions
• Researches and analyses technical-related issues on the development, the implementation and evaluation of assigned programmes/projects; assists to the review of relevant documents and reports;
• Produces a variety of technical information, data, statistics and documents as well as technical input for reports and web pages;
• Provides technical support/analysis to various assessments, studies and projects and provides technical backstopping to field projects;
• Collaborates in the development of improved/updated tools, systems, processes, and databases;
• Oversees the updating of databases and web pages;
• Participates in multidisciplinary teams, and/or leads working groups/teams collaborates with other departments and agencies on work groups and committees and promotes best practices;
• Collaborates in, provides technical backstopping to and ensures the quality/effectiveness of capacity development activities within member countries such as policy support, organizational development and individual learning events including preparation of related information, learning materials, online tools;
• Promotes knowledge sharing and best practices at international meetings and conferences and guides partners in stakeholder consultations;
• Performs other duties as required.
Minimum Requirements
• Advanced university degree in political sciences, agricultural economics, development economics, rural sociology, food security, nutrition, sustainable agriculture (including livestock, forestry and fisheries), or a related field;
• Five years of relevant experience in technical cooperation’s related activities, policy advice and analysis relating to food and nutrition security, agriculture and rural development, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes;
• Working knowledge of English and limited knowledge of another FAO official language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) 

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Tarawa - Kiribati
Organization: FAO
Deadline: April 6, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&searchExpanded=true&job=2000750