

Scientific Officer Technical support unit of IPBES thematic assessment on sustainable use of wild species

Scientific Officer Technical support unit of IPBES thematic assessment on sustainable use of wild species

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

TSU for IPBES assessment of sustainable use of wild species

Under the direct supervision of the Head of the TSU and in close collaboration with the rest of the TSU (2 people), IPBES main Secretariat in Bonn, Germany, and the expert group, the science officer will be in charge of technical support to the expert group, including:

  • compiling literature and managing references used by the expert group for the assessment;
  • ensuring all permissions and copyrights are respected when supplementary material is used;
  • compiling and editing text produced by authors from the expert group in time for the reviews of the assessment by peers, Governments and stakeholders;
  • supporting the drafting of the first order draft of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM), and the SPM as a working document for the approval in plenary session, so as to ensure the most relevant drafting for an audience of decision-makers; 
  • supporting the design and production of figures for the assessment and its SPM, as needed;
  • supporting the filling of gaps in expertise, as identified by the co-chairs and coordinating lead authors of the assessment, by involving additional experts, in line with IPBES rules of procedures;
  • supporting the TSU programme officer to organize expert group meetings.


Under the supervision of the communication department of FRB and in strong connection with the CESAB management team, the science officer will be in charge of:

  • disseminating the work of CESAB and the scientific results of the CESAB working groups, making them accessible to a wider audience;
  • supporting the visibility of CESAB (including updating the website);
  • organizing and co-organizing events to promote CESAB’s research (including side events, CESAB seminars). 

Application process:
Please send a CV and a cover letter to Agnès Hallosserie, secretary for the international interface (agnes.hallosserie@fondationbiodiversite.fr) before the 9th of February 2019. The position will be filled as soon as possible. 

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Agence française de la biodiversité (AFB), Perols,France
Organization: AFB and FRB
Deadline: February 9, 2019
External website link: http://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/fr/fondation/recrutement-et-stages.html