

Regional Technical Specialist for Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Regional Technical Specialist for Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Regional Technical Specialist for Ecosystems and Biodiversity is primarily responsible for providing technical, policy, and programming implementation support and oversight, and knowledge and capacity development services pertaining to the work of the Ecosystems and Biodiversity signature programmes to UNDP country offices, working with other UN agencies, governments and inter-governmental organizations, NGO’s, donors, the private sector and many others.  Specific results are expected in the areas of:

Innovation, Strategic Leadership, Policy Dialogue and Advocacy 

Contributing to a strategic understanding of, and engagement with, the substantive technical issues, institutions, and processes within the region, including establishing contact and developing strategic partnerships with other agencies, donors, NGOs, the private sector, scientific institutions and the like; 

Participating in the development and implementation of UNDP’s global and regional strategies on environment and sustainable development within the BPPS and beyond.  Engagement in policy and advocacy work with external partners where relevant;

Providing policy development support and guidance to country offices and governments; 

Supporting the development of strategic UNDP policy position papers and internal briefing notes; 

Facilitating policy analysis and the development of technical tools and guidance; 

Maintain trusted relationships with country offices, government and non-governmental partners’ role within the region; 

Keeping the Regional Team informed of trends and issues with respect to the substantive technical area and contribute actively to regional UNDP-GEF programming and Business plans; 

Keeping the Principal/Senior Technical Advisors informed of trends and issues in the region;

Work in coordination with other RTAs/RTSs in the region to develop projects requiring technical guidance from multiple areas.

Key result:  New strategic opportunities for UNDP are realized, UNDP’s technical focus is leading edge and innovative, UNDP has strong partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders, UNDP has a trusted leadership role in the technical area of expertise.

Portfolio Management 

Assisting in the maintenance of programme/project and portfolio information and corporate information systems;

Facilitating the identification, and sourcing of technical expertise and support including assisting with the preparation of TORs, identification and evaluation of experts and reviewing reports.

Key result:  Portfolio of programmes/projects managed efficiently and effectively.  UNDP recognized as providing outstanding programme and project oversight and supervision support.

Resource Mobilization 

Supporting programme and project identification and development, including on integrated approaches and multifocal area projects;

Providing timely and quality information and technical advice on sources of funds, policies, priorities and activities – including the Global Environment Facility funds, the Green Climate Fund, other multilateral donors, bilateral donors and foundations;

Identifying and suggesting to the STA and regional RTL priorities and entry-points for UNDP assistance;

Facilitating the process of preparation, design, submission and approval of programme/project concepts and full-fledged proposals for financing;

Providing guidance and support in the identification and sourcing of technical expertise and support including assisting with the preparation of TORs, identification and evaluation of experts and reviewing reports;

Facilitating liaisons with potential financing agencies and institutions.

Key result:  Resources are mobilized in support of developing country clients as a consequence of the identification, development and funding of high technical quality and results based programmes and projects in line with country priorities and UNDP strategic priorities.

Development Impact 

Assisting with inception, contracting and startup of programmes/projects including establishment of indicators, benchmarks and work plans;

Supporting UNDP country offices and programme/project implementation partners in supervision, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, troubleshooting and adaptive management; 

Preparing reports and communications pieces effectively showcasing socio-economic development benefits as well as environment results.

Key result:  UNDP programmes and projects consistently deliver high quality, high impact development results.

Learning, Knowledge Management and Self Development 

Evaluating, capturing, codifying, synthesizing lessons and stimulating the uptake of best practices and knowledge, including the development of knowledge materials;

Peer reviewing, commenting on, and seeking to improve the technical quality of programmes/projects, policies, practices, guidelines, advisory notes, publications and the like; 

Contributing to the preparation of regional Community of Practice meetings; 

Supporting the preparation and delivering of training courses;

Responding to queries on programme/project progress, impacts and lessons;

Developing and carrying out a personal learning plan (5%).

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: August 6, 2018
External website link: https://jobs.partneragencies.net/psc/UNDPP1HRE2/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.GBL?Page=HRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=A&SiteId=2&PostingSeq=1&JobOpeningId=17685#utm_source=unjobs&utm_medium=more_info