

International Consultant – GEF Midterm Review

International Consultant – GEF Midterm Review

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The MTR team will consist of two independent consultants as a national and an international that will conduct the MTR – International team leader (with experience and exposure to projects and evaluations in other regions globally) and one national team expert, from Sri Lanka.

The MTR team will first conduct a document review of project documents (i.e. PIF, UNDP Initiation Plan, Project Document, ESSP, Project Inception Report, PIRs, Finalized GEF focal area Tracking Tools, Project Appraisal Committee meeting minutes, Financial and Administration guidelines used by Project Team, project operational guidelines, manuals and systems, etc.) provided by the Project Team and Commissioning Unit. Then they will participate in a MTR inception workshop to clarify their understanding of the objectives and methods of the MTR, producing the MTR inception report thereafter. The MTR mission will then consist of interviews and site visits to Palagala, Galnewa, Kakirawa & Ipalogama Divisional Secretariat (DS) divisions in Anuradhapura district and Wanathawilluwa & Kaluwaragaswewa DS divisions in Puttalam district.

The MTR team will assess the following four categories of project progress and produce a draft and final MTR report. See the Guidance For Conducting Midterm Reviews of UNDP-Supported, GEF-Financed Projects (see annex) for requirements on ratings. No overall rating is required.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Home based & One Mission to Colombo
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: July 7, 2018
External website link: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=79645#utm_source=unjobs&utm_medium=more_info